The Rainbow Home Circle - Saturday 14th June 2014.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
Teresa Tuohy.
Nino Bartholomew (Guest).
Anna Bartholomew (Guest).
Kath (Guest).
Jean (Guest).

Apart from one Lady (Mary) speaking directly through the trumpet this evening, all other communication from Spirit was via the table.

First of all my apologies to Kath and Jean, our guests from Leeds as we do not have your surnames Ladies, but you know who you are. We thank you both along with Nino and Anna for joining with us this evening. Your energies combined with ours helped to make for a wonderful evening with our Spirit friends.

The circle was opened this evening with a Prayer by me (Terry), and as I said the opening Prayer the table was up and moving around the guest sitters as if to greet them. As the table came to rest in the centre of the circle as usual our Gatekeeper and friend Red Cloud came forward to communicate - “Good evening.” says Red Cloud. “Good evening Red Cloud and welcome.” say sitters.

Red Cloud continued “Welcome, Nino, Anna, please don’t be afraid.” This was Nino and Anna’s very first experience of sitting in a Physical circle and they were quite nervous at first, not knowing what to expect, but they soon settled down as our Spirit friends came forward and put them at ease.
The table then lifted up and moved across to Anna, and then back to the centre - “More young energy.” says Red Cloud (meaning Anna). Red Cloud then said to our guest Kath from Leeds “Thank you for your work for Spirit.” He then said “Drum.”

The light is put on and the shamanic drum and beater are brought in and placed on the table that is now rocking to and fro in the red light. As soon as the light is off the drum and beater are up in the air and Red Cloud is beating the drum rhythmically as he takes it out of the circle over Kath’s head to the wall. Seconds later it is back into the circle and it slowly drops down to the table. As Red Cloud continues to beat the drum he moves it around the table, resting it on sitters hands as he passes.

We now hear Red Cloud tap the table with one hand whilst he beats the drum with the other - he then moves across to Nino with the drum, and then across to her daughter Anna. Now we have a vibration running through the table as the drum is being beaten upon it - Red Cloud then gives a da da da da da…da da on the drum [laughter] this signifies to me that he is finished with the drum - “Are you done?” I ask. “Yes.” says Red Cloud. The light is put on and the drum and beater are removed from the table as it rocks ever so fast for all to see. “Bye.” says Red Cloud. “God Bless.” say sitters as Red Cloud leaves us till end of sitting.

As surely as night follows day, Dick follows Red Cloud to the table, apart from the odd occasion this has always been so since we started many years ago. The table is immediately picked up and turned upside-down by Dick, it then rises up towards the ceiling and slowly drops back to the floor the right way up again. “Welcome ladies.” says Dick to our four guests, our guests reply with a ‘thank you’.

“Dad, will you behave yourself.” says Kath jokingly as Dick takes the table round each lady sitter in turn to welcome them [laughter]. Kath then asks Dick if her Mum ‘Mary’ is with him, Dick replies with a ‘yes’. Dick then asks for the megaphones (large trumpets) to be put on the table. Once again the red light is put on and the trumpets are brought into the circle and placed on the table which is again rocking excitedly in the red light.

One trumpet is up in the air and over to our guest ‘Kath’, it then goes across the circle to Nino and hovers in front of her. The trumpet then taps Nino’s hand - “Shall I put my hand inside?” asks Nino. “Yes.” says Dick with a nod of the trumpet. Nino puts her hand inside the wide end of the trumpet and then tells us that a hand has gripped her hand through the trumpet, she is then pulled over the table; she has to stand at this point to go with the trumpet, and it only stops when it reaches Kath G (Guest).

The second trumpet is now up in the air and it moves across to Jean - “Oh, my hand is inside it, thank you.” says Jean. The trumpet then starts to spin on Jeans arm; we are then allowed to put on the light and photograph the two ladies with the trumpets on their arms - as we do this the table is rocking very fast and moving from leg to leg as it does so. As the light goes off we hear laughter from Nino as she says “Oh, he touched me, how lovely.”
Dick then blows air down the trumpet on Nino’s arm, followed by kisses heard down the trumpet. We then hear the same sounds coming down the trumpet on Jean’s arm, followed by kisses once again - “Kisses to you too.” says Jean to Dick [laughter].

Both trumpets are now off the ladies arms and are up in the air conducting to the background music; they separate and one trumpet hovers over the table whilst the other goes out of the circle behind Kath G. We now see both trumpets doing various things in the air, but in complete unison with each other, and as the trumpet outside of the circle comes back in to join the other over the table, they then begin to spin very fast above our heads, intertwining with each other as they do so. “It’s a pleasure (to watch).” says Jean. “Absolutely.” says Kath G.

Seconds later one of the trumpets hovers over near Jean and we hear a female voice say ‘Hello’ down the trumpet - “Hello.” say sitters. The trumpets then conduct to the music once again before both drop to the table and start to tap each other [laughter]. Moments later one of the trumpets is up and over to a sitter and it taps them on the head - “He (Dick) is just showing you he knows where you are (in the dark).” say I.

Dick and Mary continue with the trumpet display, touching sitters hands and heads in the darkness - “Oh, wonderful.” says Jean as she watches the display. Both trumpets are now out of the circle behind Kath; one is banging on the wall whilst the other is hovering near the door a few feet away. Moments later the trumpets fly through the air over to me (Terry) and they land in my lap - as I begin to remove them from the circle we hear the spare table begin to move behind Kath and Anna. I quickly drop the trumpets to the floor and tell our guests to move their fingers from the circle table so they do not get nipped when the spare table comes in.

The spare table comes into the circle between Kath and Anna and it turns upside-down and comes to rest on top of the circle table - both tables now rise up off the floor by about three feet -”Oh gosh!” exclaims Nino as the tables now rise and fall rapidly (totally under Dick’s control) creating a much needed breeze as they do so.

The tables now slowly drop to the floor and they are moved across the circle to Kath. Dick then tilts both tables to near horizontal position across the circle towards me. The light is put on and all can see the two tables firmly stuck together top to top, but in a horizontal position - a photo is taken and then the light is put back off as the tables rise back up to the vertical position.

The top table now turns upside-down so that the legs are now on the bottom table-top, it then begins to dance around on the bottom table; it begins to rock faster and faster as the light is put on again to photograph it. The light goes off and the top table turns upside-down again and back onto the circle table (top to top) - Dick then grabs Nino’s and my hands in turn and pulls us over until our hands are resting on the top tables upturned legs - both tables then rise up in the air with us attached - Nino tells us that she is on tip-toe as they continue to rise [laughter].

Dick lowers the tables and communicates through them “Trumpet and Tambourine.” says Dick. I take my hand from the table-top and bring them in after Tom has put on the light. They are placed on the tables and I put my hand back on the top table’s legs as requested by Dick. The light is put off and the tambourine is picked up by Dick and it is seen to shake in the air above us. The trumpet is placed on one of the top table’s legs and then the tambourine is placed over the trumpet, both by Dick.
Dick again lifts the tables up in the air with Nino’s and my hands still resting on the top.

As the tables drop back to the floor Tom puts on the light and takes another photo. As the light goes off Nino and I have our hands guided away from the table by Dick’s hand. Anna now tells us that her hand has been kissed (audible to all). Guest sitter Kath now has a trumpet put on her arm as does Anna, and we hear once again the sound of air being blown down the trumpets, followed by kisses being blown also.

Seconds later the trumpets fly my way again - “Thank you Dick.” I say as they land on my chest and in my lap [laughter]. The spare table now moves away from the circle table and out of the circle between Kath and Anna to where it originated from. “Bye.” says Dick. “God Bless.” say sitters as Dick leaves us.

Our next communicator is young Luke who quickly picks up the table and moves it around the sitters as it turns upside-down (his way of greeting them). Luke pauses with the table when he reaches young Anna; he then brings the table back to the centre of the circle and as it drops to the floor he says “Faw.” Kath then realizes what he is saying, he just hasn’t spelt it right -”You mean ‘Phwoar (meaning that someone is nice).” says Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. “Oh, you mean the young Lady (Anna)?” I ask as sitters begin to laugh. “Yes.” says Luke. “Were you saving energy son?” asks Kath (not spelling the full word). “Yes.” says Luke [laughter].

Luke asks for the skipping ropes - “Do you want two?” I ask. Luke does not answer - “Three?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke. As the light goes on to bring in the ropes the table begins to rock wildly in the centre of the circle - “Calm yourself Luke.” says Kath jokingly as the ropes are placed on the table. As the light goes off one of the ropes is picked up by Luke and he starts to spin it as it rises up in the air. We now have a wheel of light travelling out of the circle behind Kath to the wall, as Luke lets more rope out the wheel gets bigger and bigger until we have a seven foot wheel of light from floor to ceiling spinning faster and faster.

As Luke brings the rope back into the circle he wraps one end round guest sitter Kath’s head and shoulders - the other end of the rope is spinning round and round just above the table. Moments later a second rope is picked up by Luke and Nino, Kath and Anna are all tied up with it by Luke - even though they are tied Luke still has enough left to spin once again in the centre of the circle - all this is done in the darkness, but Luke does not hit one sitter with the spinning rope handles - quite amazing!

The circle table now moves across the floor to Kath and within seconds it is over Kath’s head and Kath is inside the table legs. We put on the light to find Kath still tied up with a skipping rope inside the table legs [laughter]. The light is put off and Luke removes the table from around Kath and places it back on the floor in the centre of the circle. Anna now tells us that she has had her hand touched by Luke - Now he is playing ‘round and round the garden’.” says Anna. “Now what’s he doing?” asks Nino. “He’s given me a kiss.” says Anna as Luke kisses her hand (audible to all). “Never mind that son, you’re eight (years old).” says Kath jokingly [laughter].

Nino then goes on to describe that Luke has touched her hand, then he has put the rope handle in her hand and is playing tug of war with her [laughter]. As Luke is tugging on one rope another rope is spinning above the table - both rope handles then start to dance above the table.

Anna now tells us that Luke is putting a rope handle in her hand, at the same time Jean tells us that a handle is being put in her hand also - all this is done in the darkness, but Luke finds their hands with no problem.
We now have various sitters holding onto rope handles whilst another is still spinning up above the table - suddenly it stops and drops to the table. We are allowed the red light to photograph the ropes on the table to see if we can pick up some energy on the photos.

As the light goes off again Luke picks up the rope once more and has them dancing above the table; he then gives us one more display with the ropes spinning up above us before finally dropping them to the table for me to remove. Luke then says “Ki…” I interrupt by saying Kites?” “Yes.” says Luke. The full sized kites are then placed on the table - Luke then asks for the toy school bus to be placed on the table also.

The school bus is placed on top of the kites and as the light is put off Luke flips the kites upwards, which in turn tosses the bus up and back down again, as it hit’s the table it lights up (the tail lights) and begins to play a tune - this is a little trick Luke likes to do each time he plays with them.

Moments later both kites are up in the air above us dancing to and fro, they create a wonderful breeze as they do so. One kite is now out of the circle over near the door whilst the other one hovers above our heads; both still dancing and weaving several feet apart. The kites are then dropped back to the table for me to remove - Luke then asks for pencil and paper to be brought in. The light is on and I place a piece of A4 paper on the table, I show sitters that it is blank on both sides and then I place the pencil with luminous tab on its stem on top of the paper.

The light goes off and Luke picks up the pencil and begins to write on the paper. Thirty seconds later Luke drops the pencil down on the table - “Are you done?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke. We put on the light to find a message on the paper for Anna - it reads “Anna, everything will be ok, love, Luke.” “Oh my God, I can’t believe.” says Nino. “Thank you.” says Anna. We didn’t know what Luke was referring to, and did not ask as it wasn’t our business, but Anna and Nino certainly knew what Luke was talking about.

“Oh, everything will be ok, oh thank you for that.” says Nino. I put the paper on the window sill behind me for safe keeping until I can laminate it later - Luke then takes the table over to Anna and gives her a cuddle with it before putting it back in the centre of the circle - “Bye.” says Luke. “God Bless you Luke, Bye.” say sitters as Luke leaves us.

Our next communicator on the table gave us the name ‘Alfredo’, and when asked if he had come to see someone in particular, he said “No.” I asked Alfredo if there was anything that he would like to say, and he said “Yes, I would like four ribbons.” We always have ribbons in the séance room because they have been asked for by Spirit on other occasions; luckily we had four. The light was put on and I brought in four ribbons, two blue and two red, and placed them on the table which was rocking very fast - “Are you getting excited Alfredo?” asks Jean. “Yes.” says Alfredo [laughter].

As the light goes off Jean tells us that her hand has been taken by Alfredo, and that a ribbon has been tied to her wrist, her hand is then released and Alfredo moves across to Nino. Nino tells us that she now has a hand pulling her hand over the table; she too has a ribbon tied to her wrist. From Nino Alfredo moves round to Anna and her hand is taken by Alfredo, and a ribbon is placed on her wrist - as the ribbon is being tied to her wrist Kath tells us that someone is standing between her and Anna, Anna confirms this.

Alfredo then moves round to our guest sitter ‘Kath’, and again Kath’s hand is taken by Alfredo and a ribbon is tied to her wrist. Alfredo then says “Presents from us (Spirit), four hands on table.” “Do you mean that you want their four hands on the table, and the rest of us (that do not have ribbons on wrist) to take our hands off the table?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Alfredo. “Do you want pictures?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Alfredo.

The light is put on and all hands except the four ladies with ribbons are taken off the table. Photos are then taken of the ribbons tied to the ladies wrists; red light photos are also taken. [the ribbons are gifts from Spirit and are kept by ladies at end of sitting]

As the photos are taken the background music volume rises, perhaps the music vibration helps with the energies? As the light is put off again the table rises up with all four hands still on it; as it slowly drops back to the floor all sitters put their hands back on it, and Alfredo communicates “I will be watching over Anna and Nino.” “Oh Bless you, thank you.” says Nino. “Thank you.” says Anna. Moments later Alfredo says ‘bye’ and then leaves the table - “God Bless you, bye.” say sitters.
Our next communicator is ‘Pretty Lucy’ - “Hello everyone.” says Lucy. “Hello Lucy, welcome.” say sitters. Lucy then says “Anna, can I plait your hair?” - Nino, at this point tells us that Anna is good at plaiting her own sister’s hair. I (Terry) explain to Nino and Anna that Lucy has actually done this before with a previous guest to the circle.
Lucy then asks for a ribbon, but having just used four on the ladies wrists, their were none left in the room - we normally have elastic bands in the room, but this evening, would you believe, I had forgotten to put them in, so there was nothing I could give to Lucy. Jean then says “Shall I take this one off my wrist Lucy?” “No.” says Lucy - it was obvious that Lucy did not want to take away a gift that had been given.
I apologise to Lucy for not having anything for her to tie off Anna’s hair, then Kath says “Will you plait it, but just can’t fasten it” “Yes.” says Lucy. Moments later Anna describes to us what Lucy is doing - “She (Lucy) has just touched my hair; I think she is trying to plait it…oh, she is plaiting my hair, oh thanks Lucy.” says Anna. “She (Lucy) is not pulling or anything?” asks Kath. “No, she is doing very well.” says Anna.

“Is it a proper plait Anna?” asks Nino. “Yes, she is almost done.” says Anna. “She can plait mine if she wants.” says Nino [laughter]. Moments later Lucy takes Anna’s hand and puts it on her hair to hold the plait in place whilst we put on the red light to look and to take photos - I apologise once again to Lucy for not having another ribbon for her to tie it off and then the light is put off.

“Keyboard.” says Lucy when asked if she had anything else to say. The keyboard is brought in and placed on the table - seconds later it is up in the air and the keys are being played as Lucy takes it out of the circle over Kath’s head to the wall. Seconds later it is coming back into the circle, all the while still being played by Lucy.

Lucy plays a variety of in-built tunes, but also gives us her own tunes as she tinkles on the keys as the keyboard floats above us. Lucy then takes the keyboard over to Anna and taps her on the head; the keyboard then drops slowly to the table and Anna tells us that her hair clip (on the opposite side to where Lucy plaited) is now being taken out of her hair by Lucy and that Lucy is playing with her hair with the clip.

Moments later the keyboard comes to life again and we hear Lucy going through the scales; then we have another in-built tune ‘Oh Susanna’ which we all sing along to.

At this point the table begins to dance along to the music and our singing. Lucy plays the keyboard for a few moments more then places it in Anna’s hands - Anna then says “Do you want to see what Lucy has done to my hair?” “Yes.” says Kath. The light is put on and we find that Lucy has put the hair-clip back in Anna’s hair, but has put it on the side where the plait is - a photo is taken and then the light is put off again.

Lucy then says “Chalk…” I ask if she wants the luminous chalk and black card - “Yes.” says Lucy. The chalk and black card is brought in by me and placed on table, the light is on so I show sitters that the card is blank on both sides. Moments after the light is put off again, the chalk begins to draw on the card - you could hear a pin drop in the room as we all sit and watch as the chalk moves across the card. The chalk is then placed down on the card (signifying that Lucy has finished) and Nino then says “She’s giving it to me.” as Lucy moves the card across to her.

We put on the light to look at what Lucy has drawn - we find a heart with the words ‘hello’ and ‘love you’ written beneath it - “That is so nice, I will keep it forever, thank you so much Lucy.” says Nino. I take the card away for safe keeping whilst I can laminate it for Nino - as the light goes off Lucy says “Welcome (you’re welcome).” to Nino.

“You’re a very clever girl Lucy, and I‘ll bet you‘re very pretty.” says Jean. The table rocks excitedly as Anna asks “Have you got long hair Lucy.” “Yes.” says Lucy. “Is it blonde?” asks Nino. “Yes.” says Lucy. “Have you got blue eyes?” asks Kath G.
“Yes.” says Lucy. “Ah…but have you got a ‘rosebud’ mouth?” asks Jean. “Yes.” says Lucy as the table rocks excitedly [laughter]. “Oh, you little devil you.” says Kath jokingly [laughter] “Bye.” says Lucy - “God Bless you darling.” say sitters as Lucy leaves us.

Red Cloud rejoins us, and when asked if he had anything to say, he said “Another good energy night - you are all always welcome in this circle.” “Thank you Red Cloud, it is very good of you to include us.” say our guests.

Red Cloud allowed us one question as the energies were waning due to the heat - Teresa, Jean, Anna and Nino asked questions, one of which could not be answered, but others were answered and accepted by sitters.

The circle was then closed with a Prayer of thanks by Kath Nelson.

Duration of sitting: One hour and fourteen minutes.

Terry Nelson. 


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting - some with normal flash camera, and some with red light and digi-cam (snapshot feature).

Guest sitter Nino has the gold trumpet put on her
arm by Dick (Kath's Father in Spirit).
 Dick sits the pine table on top of the circle table
and then tilts them both to horizontal
position - both stuck firmly together.
Dick puts the spare table on top of the circle
table and then it starts to dance.

Dick puts the trumpet and tambourine on the upturned
table leg and then puts Nino and Terry's hands on top.
 The ropes put on the table by Luke after his display.
Luke puts the kite over guest sitter Kath's face.

This image looks like an oriental gentleman
with a moustache.
Luke puts the kite on Tom's shoulder.
Spirit visitor 'Alfredo' asks for four ribbons and
puts them on our four lady guests wrists. 
Close-up of the ribbon tied in a bow
on guest sitters hand. 

Guest sitter Anna showing off her ribbon,
put there by Alfredo. 
Guest sitter Anna shows us her hair after
Spirit child Lucy plaits it. 
 Red light photo of sitter's arm inside trumpet - Spirit
experiment with de-materializing part of arm.
Red light photo of the skipping ropes after Luke
as finished with them - see next photo?

Two Spirit children's faces - confirmed by Red Cloud.
This red light photo of sitter with ribbon on their
wrist shows de-materialized part of hand.

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