The Rainbow Home Circle - Saturday 12th July 2014.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
Emma Kenny.
Mike Ganley.
Jojan Ganley.
Helen Henderson.
Ross Henderson.
Grant Anderson (Guest).
Pat Anderson (Guest).
Jan Winter (Guest).
Anna Aston (Guest).

Our thanks to Grant and Pat (on their second visit to our circle) and also Jan and Anna (first visit) for travelling a fair distance to be with us this evening. Our thanks also to our regular sitters, who, like our guests, put up with some uncomfortable conditions due to the heat, but managed to stay positive thus giving us some marvellous energies for our Spirit team to work with.

The circle was opened this evening by myself (Terry) and although the room was quite hot from the start, this did not stop Red Cloud from lifting the table up immediately after the Prayer and taking it to our guests to greet them.

“Good evening Red Cloud, welcome.” say sitters as the table drops gently back to the floor in centre of the circle. Red Cloud’s first words were “Happy birthday Tom.” (it was Tom’s seventeenth birthday this very day) - “Thank you.” says Tom. The table then moves across to me, leans onto my lap, then moves back to the centre of the circle.

“Welcome, hope you enjoy.” says Red Cloud. Red Cloud then asks for the shamanic drum which is brought in by Jojan and placed on the table along with the beater. Tom had put on the red light torch to bring in the large drum safely - the table was rocking quite rapidly, but stopped as the drum was placed on it. As soon as the light was switched off the drum was up in the air above the table, the beater was tapping away rhythmically on its surface as Red Cloud took them both out of the circle, over Kath’s head and down to the floor behind her.

Within seconds the drum and beater were back up in the air and back into the circle over Kath’s head again, the rhythmical beat continuing throughout the whole movement. The drum is now moving slowly round the table, stopping at various sitters and resting on their fingers as Red Cloud continues with the beat. At various times the beater lifts away from the drum and gently prods sitters, then back to drumming.

“Da da da da da…da da.” is the beat on the drum that signals to me that Red Cloud has finished and wishes the drum to be taken away [laughter]. Tom puts on the red light and the drum is removed from the table. The table is now rocking from leg to leg as Tom puts off the light - Red Cloud immediately communicates “Hoops.” through the table. “Both?” I ask. “Yes.” says Red Cloud.

The light is put on once more and the two full sized hoola hoops are brought in and placed on top of sitters hands that are over the edge of the table. As the light goes off one hoops is seen to rise up (luminous tabs on opposite ends of hoop) and go over the heads of three sitters (Emma, Jojan and Pat). Moments later the second hoop is up and over the heads of three more sitters (Jan, Grant and Anna).

The hoops, which Spirit use for healing purposes, are now gently shaking as they rest on the sitters shoulders. Emma now tells us that the hoop is gently pulling her towards the table, and as she puts her hands down on the table a Spirit hand taps them. Emma is now describing to us that her hair clip is being pulled out of her hair - we put on the red light to look at what is going on - Emma is reluctant to have her photo taken now that her hair is a little messed up, but Tom takes one anyway [laughter].

At this point photos are also taken of the hoops over sitters shoulders - the table is rocking all the while the light is on. As the light is put off Red Cloud removes one of the hoops from sitters, and we now see it upend on the table-top and begin to spin round. The hoop is now slowly rising up to the ceiling and then back down to the table. Red Cloud now requests that the hoops be taken away - Tom puts on the light and they are removed from over the table. “Bye.” says Red Cloud. “God Bless.” say sitters as Red Cloud leaves us.

Our second communicator, as always, is Dick (Kath’s Father in Spirit)…”Hiya Dad.” says Kath as the table moves across the circle to her. The table then moves back across the circle to where Grant and Jan are sat - Jan tells us that her hand is being tapped, we assume by Dick. “Hello.” says Dick. “Hello.” say sitters. Dick then spells out ‘Me…’ I interrupt with “Megaphones?” “Yes.” says Dick. I reach out behind me and bring in the two large trumpets (megaphones as Dick calls them) and place them on the circle table.

No sooner have I released the trumpet from my grip, when it is up in the air - “Is Mum here?” asks Kath (Mary, Kath’s mum, comes forward with Dick quite often now). “Yes.” says Dick as the second trumpet rises up to meet the first and they begin to dance in the air above us. The trumpets separate and one moves out of the circle over Helen’s head, resting momentarily on her head as it passes over her. One trumpet hovering three feet above the table and one trumpet out of the circle behind Helen; both making exactly the same movements in the air.

As the trumpets come back into the circle, sitters laugh as they get tapped on the heads by them. The trumpets drop to table level and various sitters hands are tapped by the trumpets - this signifies that Dick wishes their hands to be put out in front of them so Dick can put the trumpet onto their hand and up their arm. Both Pat and Anna now have their hand inside the trumpets - Pat tells us that her hand is being squeezed inside it, Anna tells us that she is being pulled over the table by the trumpet on her hand.

Moments later comments are made about the trumpets being manipulated whilst over the table, we later find that the trumpets have been joined together by their thin ends. As the trumpets separate we hear air being blown down the end of the one on Pat’s hand, then we hear the same again, this time Anna tells us that air is being blown down her trumpet.

The trumpet on Pat’s hand is now taken off by (we assume) Dick (as opposed to Mary) and is taken over to Ross; Ross’ hand is tapped by the trumpet and then it is placed inside it. Ross now tells us that he is being pulled across the table by a hand squeezing the outside of the trumpet. We put on the light and take photos of Ross’ arm (still inside the trumpet) crossed over the trumpet that is on Anna’s arm; both arms outstretched across the circle.

As the light is put off we hear more air being blown down the trumpet that is on Anna’s arm - this time it sounds like a foghorn [laughter]. Moments later we hear kisses being blown down the same trumpet. Both trumpets are now off sitters hands and are up in the air above our heads - now we see the ‘gyro’ effect as they spin round in circles, inter-twining with each other as they do so. Both trumpets are now out of the circle over Helen’s head, they hover for a few seconds then are back into the circle.

Dick now communicates “More.” through the table (meaning more trumpets). “Four more?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick. The light is put on and four more trumpets are brought in and placed on the table - within seconds the four trumpets are up in the air, and almost immediately the circle table rises up, turns upside-down and moves out of the circle between Kath and Mike, finally ending up on top of the spare table.

All six trumpets are now up in the air - I say ‘Well done Dick’ as the trumpets twirl around above us. Moments later we see one trumpet hovering whilst others are being put inside it. We now have three trumpets, one inside the other, then another inside those two, up in the air conducting to the background music. Suddenly they begin to twirl round very fast, creating a wonderful much needed breeze as they do so.

“Hello.” says Emma as the trumpets touch her hand - almost instantly a singular trumpet is being pushed onto Emma’s hand and up her arm. A second trumpet is now placed on the first - two trumpets on Emma’s arm…”They’re squeezing my hand.” says Emma. The circle table, still seated on the spare table, begins to move, Kath assumes Dick wishes to say something, and she is right, Dick asks for light so we may look at what has been done with the trumpets.

We put on the light to find Emma’s outstretched arm with two trumpets on it, and also Anna’s outstretched arm with one trumpet on it - photos are taken and then the light is put off again. The trumpets are immediately taken from Emma and Anna and thrown out of the circle between Jan and myself, one of them actually hitting some part of Jan’s body (trumpets are made of card) on the way out. One of the other trumpets moves over, and hovers in front of Jan, and we hear a female voice say ‘sorry’ down the trumpet.

This trumpet now begins to tap on the table, and also taps various sitters [laughter]. The trumpet now hovers again…moments later something is said down the trumpet, but it is not clear - “Can you repeat that please.” I ask. We then hear ‘Hello Jan’ down the trumpet - “Hello.” says Jan. “Is it Mary (Kath’s Mum) please?” I ask. “Yes.” says Mary with a nod of the trumpet.

The circle table, still on the spare table, begins to stir, and seconds later lifts up and comes back into the circle over Mike. The table goes over to Tom, and Tom tells us that he is now inside the table (between its legs). The table begins to shake with Tom inside - “It’s your birthday hug.” says Kath to Tom. As Tom continues to be moved around inside the table, we put on the light to look. It looks like Tom is just moving around under his own steam, but he has no control of the movement as Dick is in command of the table.

We put off the light and immediately Tom tells us that he has now been pulled forward inside the table, both he and the chair he is sat in are pulled over until he is knelt down on the floor (still inside the table) [laughter]. Again we put on the light, and take a photo of Tom knelt over inside the table with his chair attached to his rear end [laughter]. We put off the light and within seconds the spare table is in the circle between Mike and Kath - we don’t know where it will land as Tom is still on the floor.

Tom tells us that the spare table is actually on top of him so we put on the light again. We all laugh at what we see - Tom, still bent over inside the circle table, with his chair attached, and the spare table resting on top of him. We take photos and then the light is put off. We now hear movement where Tom is situated, and within seconds Tom is being pulled up by his shirt, both he and his chair are upright and back in his place next to Mike - Dick did this with what seemed like no effort whatsoever.

The light was put back on again to show how quickly Dick had put Tom back in his original position. As the light goes off the spare table lifts up and is placed upside-down on top of the circle table by Dick. Both tables then rise up off the floor and are seen to dance in the air for a couple of seconds before slowly dropping back to the floor. Dick now tilts both tables over to a near horizontal position without one sliding off the other - We are allowed the red light on to witness this and to take photos of the two tables stuck firmly together.

The light goes off and the two tables now rise up to the vertical position. Dick then brings in one of the trumpets and places it on the upturned table’s leg. Dick then takes Tom’s hand and guides it over the top of the spare table’s legs. Emma’s hand is also taken and put on top of the table’s legs. Dick then lifts up both tables with Tom and Emma’s hands still on the top. Both Tom and Emma have to stand as the tables rise even higher - as the tables hover the trumpet begins to tap on the tables.

The tables drop slowly down and Tom and Emma sit back in their seats. The trumpet moves across to Helen and it is placed on her hand, and Helen tells us that her hand is being squeezed inside the trumpet. The spare table begins to move again, and to our surprise, Helen tells us that it is on her head now [laughter]. The light is put on, and we find Helen leant across the circle table with the spare table, upright and resting on the circle table, but also resting on Helen’s head [more laughter].

As the light goes off and Helen is seated back in her chair, the spare table moves away from the circle table. The circle table is now up on Emma’s lap giving her a cuddle - “Is this my Grandma (Mary)?” ask Emma. “No.” is the reply from the table (I assume it must be her Granddad Dick). The spare table now moves out of the circle between Mike and Kath - the circle table then communicates “Bye.” “Bye, God Bless.” say sitters as Dick and Mary leave us.

Our next communicator comes to the table and gives us the name ‘Patrick’ - we assume this to be guest sitter Pat’s dad as he paid us a visit the last time Pat sat with us. Patrick says “Hello, can I have paper.” “Paper and pencil?” I ask. “Yes.” says Patrick. “Hello Patrick.” says Pat as the light is put on to bring in the pencil and paper.

The table rocks as the light is put on, and continues to rock until the pencil and paper are placed upon it. The paper is checked on both sides then the light is put off. As Patrick begins to write on the paper, Mike, one of our regular sitters, begins to have problems with his breathing. We put this down to the heat so Kath asks Mike if he would like the fan which is switched on, but on the floor.

Mike accepts the offer of the fan so Kath passes it across to Mike, who begins to feel better for this. All the time this is going on, Patrick is still writing over the table - I say this not because I feel Patrick should have stopped, but only to let you know that the energies that Patrick were utilizing, were not effected by what was going on only inches away from the table.

Patrick was writing on the paper for over two minutes, turning the paper over half way through. When Patrick finished we were allowed to put on the light to see what he had written - this was Patrick’s message for Pat: “Pat, I know you never knew me, but I have been with you through all your trials and tribulations…your babies…” at this point there is an arrow drawn on the paper, an indication for us to turn the paper over [laughter]. The message continues “are lovely…” 

The next bit of the message is quite hard to make out in the red light, so Patrick then communicates the rest of the message through the table…”Watch the clock.” “Why, is the clock going to do something?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Patrick. “Which clock?” asks Grant. Patrick does not answer, so Kath asks Pat if she has a favourite clock. As Pat talks of a particular clock’s mechanism there is laughter from Patrick through the table.

I move the pencil and paper away from the table, then Patrick communicates “I have Edward with me.” “It doesn’t mean anything to me.” says Pat. “No.” says Patrick. “No, it’s not for you.” says Kath to Pat. I am just about to ask Patrick who Edward has come to see, when, the table moves across the floor to me and Jan. “Have you come across to Jan please?” I ask. The table is now resting near Jan.

“Do you know an ‘Edward’ please Jan?” I ask. “I do.” says Jan. I then ask “Is this Edward on the table now please (as opposed to Patrick)?” “Yes.” says Edward. “Would you like to say something?” I ask. Edward then says to Jan “I am sorry for your health problems, but you will soldier on, you are very brave…Bless you.”
[We later find out from Jan that Edward was in fact, her Step-Father]
“Bye.” says Edward. “God Bless.” say sitters. Patrick comes back to the table, but has nothing more to say - “God Bless.” say sitters as Patrick leaves us also.

Our next communicator gives us the name ‘Julia’ (not known to Kath and myself). “Good evening Julia, may I ask, are you a child?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Julia. “Have you come to see someone in particular please?” I ask. “Yes.” says Julia. “Would you like to go to that person (with the table) please?” I ask. With this the table goes across to guest sitter Anna. “It’s on me.” says Anna.

“Can I ask you another question please?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Julia. “Did you come to the earth plane?” asks Kath. “No.” says Julia. “Is there anything you would like to say Julia?” I ask. “Yes, can I play.” asks Julia. “Of course you can, what do you want (to play with)?” asks Kath [laughter]. Julia then communicates “Ever…”, but is interrupted by several sitters who all shout at once “everything!” [loud laughter]

“Is there anything in particular you would like?” I ask. Julia then spells out the letter ‘K’. I assume Julia wants the keyboard, but in fact the letter ‘K’ was for the kites. The light is put on, and the kites are brought in and placed on the now, rapidly rocking table. “Do you want Luke’s ‘New York School Bus’?” asks Kath. “No.” says Julia.

The kites are placed on the table and the light is put off. Both kites are up in the air almost immediately, wafting us with a cool breeze. I comment on how beautiful that is in this very hot room. “Lovely.” says Jojan, who, like the rest of us, is feeling the heat. Anna then says “Oh, someone has got my arm, pulling me down on the table. The kite’s on top of my head is it, oh thank you.” [laughter] The other kite is now over to Emma, where it begins to shake in front of her.

Anna now says “Oh, am I having platts?” as Julia begins to plait her hair in the darkness. “They won’t be platting mine will they!” says Ross jokingly (Ross is quite bald) [laughter]. Anna is still leant over the table…”Can you feel anything?” ask Kath. “Yes, it feels like my hair is being platted.” says Anna. A few moments later and Julia stops working on Anna’s hair. “Have you finished?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Julia. “May we look?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Julia.

The light is put on and we look at Anna’s hair which has actual plaits in that were not there previously. Photos are taken and then the light is put off. The kite is up and on Emma now, and Emma begins to laugh as her hair is pulled gently and something is put around her neck - “Their slapping my hands now (audible to all).” says Emma. We put on the light to find Emma with the kite adorning her, but missing its sticks that make up the frame. Photos are taken then the light is put off again.

Various sitters now tell us that their hands have been grabbed and that they are being pulled over the table - my hand is also grabbed and placed on the table. We then have our hands tied with the string that is hanging from the kite. The light is put on and Jojan, Emma and myself are all tied up with the string - photos are taken and then the light is put off. “Bye.” says Julia. [laughter from sitters as Julia leaves us with our hands still tied]

Our next communicator to the table is young Luke. “Good evening Luke.” say sitters. Luke then communicates “Hello PGAJ.” We are a little confused, then Kath says “Oh, Pat, Grant, Anna and Jan.” [laughter as we realize that Luke was abbreviating to save time] “Yes (that’s right).” says Luke.

“You’re not wasting your energy son?” asks Kath. “No.” says Luke. Luke then communicates “String, wire, all hands on table.” We put on the light and I bring in a ball of string and four pieces of pliable wire cut to lengths of between four to twelve inches (Spirit requested these lengths days before we sat) and place them on the table.

As the light goes off all sitters place their hands on the edge of the table, and one by one our hands are grabbed and tied with the string - during the tying process Mike and Kath comment on the fact that someone is leaning into the circle between them. Luke tried to tie all of us, but there just was not enough room to get all twelve sitters close enough round the small table.

All is quiet now as Luke begins to manipulate the pieces of wire - we can neither see or hear anything for a couple of minutes, then there is a nudge from the table. “Are you done?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke. We put on the light to find two little angels made from the wire sitting on the table. Photos are taken and then Kath asks “Are these for anyone in particular?” “Jan and Anna.” says Luke. “Thank you.” says Anna as I move the angels from the table for safe keeping.

As the light goes off Grant asks if he should remove the string - “Normally Luke will do that.” says Kath - sure enough, Luke removes the string from sitters hands. “Oh, he’s touching my hand.” says Pat as Luke removes her string. Moments later young Luke says “Bye.” “God Bless, bye.” say sitters as Luke leaves us.

The room is now quite stifling as Red Cloud comes back to the table - We welcome Red Cloud back and ask if he would like to say something - Red Cloud has nothing to say, and realizing the conditions in the room he asks us to close.

The circle is closed with a Prayer by Kath.

Duration of sitting: One hour and nine minutes.

Terry Nelson.


 Below are various photographs taken during the sitting - some were taken with normal flash camera, and some were taken with red light and digi-camcorder (snapshot feature).

Red Cloud puts the hoola hoop over sitters
shoulders - the hoops are generally used
for healing purposes.
 Red light photo of the hoop over Emma's shoulder.
 Both hoops put over six sitter's shoulders
by Red Cloud.
 Red light photo of the hoop over the table.
Red light photo of the hoop over sitters hands.

Guest sitters 'Pat' and 'Anna' have the
large trumpets put on their hands
by Dick - Dick then joins both
trumpets together.
Red light photo of the trumpets joined
together by Dick.

Ross and Anna with the trumpets put on
their arms by Dick - Dick pulls them out
of their seats just before this
photo was taken.
 Red light photo of the silver trumpet crossing
over the gold trumpet whilst on
Ross and Anna's arms.
 Emma and Anna with outstretched arms - the
trumpets put on their arms by Dick.
 Red light photo of the trumpets on Emma and Anna.
 Dick brings the circle table back from its resting
place on the spare table, and puts it over
Tom's head (a hug for Tom).
 Rather odd red light photo - supposedly of
Tom inside the table?
 Dick pulls Tom (inside the table) and his chair,
over, until Tom is kneeling on the floor.
Dick puts the spare table on top of circle table,
then tilts them both to near horizontal
position - both firmly stuck together.

Guest sitter Anna, leant over the table, has her
hair plaited by Spirit child Julia.
Spirit child 'Julia' messes with Emma's hair
and adorns her with the kite.

Emma, Jojan and Terry have their hands tied together
with string from the kite by Spirit child 'Julia'.
 Another odd red light photo - sitter's hand tied up
with string by Spirit child 'Julia'.
Spirit child 'Luke' ties sitters hands
together with the ball of string
- visible on table are two angels
made from pliable wire by Luke.

Red light photo of sitters hands tied over table
whilst Luke makes angels from pliable wire.

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