The Rainbow Home Circle - Saturday 24th May, 2014.

Our thanks to daviD Griffin and Natasha Acimovic (Exopolitics Uk), and Grant & Pat Anderson for travelling up to sit with us this evening - once again a perfect energy blend thus creating the right conditions for a wonderful evening with Spirit. This evening a total of six items were apported into the room by Spirit - four angel cards and two healing stones.
All sitters (including hosts) were searched prior to entering the room.

Our thanks also to circle member Mike Ganley for taking the time to write this transcript of the evening's sitting.

Sitters Present:

Kath and Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
James Smith.
Doris Forster.
Mike and Jojan Ganley.
davID Griffin and Natasha Acimovic.
Grant and Pat Anderson.

Mike opened the sitting in prayer and as soon as he opened his mouth the table began jumping up to greet the new guests that evening. Red Cloud came through and welcomed everyone to the sitting. He pointed out that the energies were good. Red Cloud asked for the shamanic drum which Terry placed on the table together with the beater. A heavy rhythm began immediately and the drum levitated (still playing) and moved out of the circle completely.

It returned to the circle before moving over to Doris and the beating continued with the drum on her lap. There followed a personal message for davID – founder of Exopolitic UK: ‘davID, you are the star people person; I have met them when I was on the earth‘. davID thought the message was amazing. Red Cloud told him they (Star people) were nice people and told him to carry on with the good work they were doing. Red Cloud had no further message and departed.

Another communicator came to the table and the table levitated. Terry asked if they wished to communicate with the table in the air and this was confirmed, and Dick of course was the person now coming through. Greetings followed and the table moved around the sitters greeting each and every one of the sitters. Dick welcomed everyone then asked for the megaphones.

One trumpet levitated immediately and greeted a few sitters (stroking Doris; hitting me!) before the second trumpet levitated. The trumpets moved across to the far side of the room and began hitting the wall and then moved across to Grant to invite him to place his arm in it. Dick then began blowing down the trumpet followed by a few amusing ‘Raspberry’ sounds. The table was very energetic (building up the energy) and both trumpets once again levitated before moving across to greet Natasha, then alternatively hit both tables in the room – the trumpet moving at a rapid speed in between Kath and myself.

The trumpets then had a pretend sword fight in the air above the main table; Jojan felt a hand touch hers, as did Natasha, and Grant felt a hand touch his. Kath asked Dick if her mother was here and Dick confirmed this. Dick then informed the sitters that Mary was coming in and we all distinctly heard her say ‘Hello!’ I asked Mary if she were well and once again we heard a clear ‘Yes thank you!’
James’ wrist was taken by a spirit hand and the trumpet had been wrapped around his wrist. We tried to take a photograph but the trumpet came away so we asked her if she would wrap it around his wrist again; this she did and when Terry put the red light on, it was clearly wrapped around his wrist.

Photographs were taken. Shortly after this the second table in the corner of the room began to jump up and down and before long was making its way over Kath’s and my shoulders into the centre of the room above the first table. Both tables levitated and as usual I tried to push down on the table but the energy was so strong they could not be moved at all.
The top table revolved 180 degrees until it was standing on top of the first table before it returned back into the corner. Dick and Mary gave their goodbyes.

The next communicator was Luke. The table indicated that the name began with the letter ‘L’, and Terry asked whether or not this was a young boy and the table confirmed this! The table was full or strong energy and the sitters commented upon this. The table greeted the sitters, levitated for a short while then turned upside down. It then moved to greet Natasha. Luke asked for the 3 skipping ropes.
Terry placed the ropes (tied up in 3 bundles) and before long they were unravelled and being swung about producing a dazzling light display. Terry commented that this was the first time 3 skipping ropes were being swung around in concentric circles.

The table was moved to one side to allow the ropes to be swung freely. My head was patted and the rope placed around my neck. I was pulled forward close to Kath’s knee and the ropes were swung above my head (though of course I didn’t see this!) Ropes were spinning in differing directions.
Luke then asked for the drum, trumpet and tambourine. Terry found the instruments and placed them on the table: ‘There you go sunshine!’ says Terry. The trumpet levitated. The mouth piece was taken off and then he blew it several times, accompanied to the banging drum – all in rhythm. The tambourine was shaken and then Luke began to clap his hands and patted Grant’s hand. He held his hand and Grant described a small hand holding his hand and putting something into his hand.

We asked if we could have a look and there was an apport: a stone. Someone then touched Pat’s hand, there were further blowing sounds then Luke, having had enough of this trumpet then asked for the small trumpet. It went all quiet for a while before Kath said ‘That doesn’t seem like you son!’ before the trumpet frantically banged against the wall. Something was placed in Doris’ hand. When we checked it was an apported Angel Card. Luke then departed.

The next spirit communicator was Patrick. Terry asked if Patrick had come to visit someone, and if so, would he take the table to that person, and the table went to Pat. Pat informed the rest of the sitters that this was her dad and that she had never met him. Patrick brought the message ‘I am always with you; can I have a ribbon?’

A ribbon was found then placed on the table. The ribbon was heard ruffled on the table and then Pat felt it being tied around her wrist. The red light was turned on and photographs taken. Patrick communicated through the table.: ‘Grant, keep up the good work.’ Ropes were then swung around the room and then many of the sitters were convinced of a smell of fresh tar in the room which was confirmed by Patrick. Kath asked Patrick if he was excited to see Pat and once again, the movement of the table confirmed this. Patrick indicated he was going to leave. He was thanked.

The table then levitated and the new communicator came through: Pretty Lucy. She asked (through the table) that she had got Angel cards to give as a present for davID. Kath told davID to place his upturned hands on the table and something was placed in them. Lucy then asked Natasha to place her hands on the table and once again a card was put in her hand. Then it was Pat’s turn. The light was turned on and all the sitters had apports of Angel cards in their hands. Photographs were taken.

Lucy asked for the keyboard and drum with string. Terry found the new keyboard for Lucy but as there was a green light on it, it had to be the other one. Terry placed the instruments on the table and the drum immediately levitated followed by the keyboard. Lucy was playing both instruments at the same time.

A variety of songs came through which we all sang to e.g. ‘Old McDonald’, ‘London Bridge’, ‘Jingle Bells’, ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ before playing more contemporary stuff. Then she returned to playing ‘Oh When the Saints’. She placed the drum on my head and played it – when she stopped a photograph was taken. Lucy departed.

The next communicator was Freddie. The table levitated immediately. He communicated the message that he wanted paper and pencil. He explained to the sitters that the paper was a plain sheet of A4 and they could clearly see there was nothing written on it. The pencil had a luminous tab so the sitters had an idea what was happening.
As soon as the light was switched off the pencil moved and began writing a message followed by stroking Doris’ hand, then he placed something in her hand. We switched on the light and a apported healing stone had been placed in Doris’ hand. Natasha read out the message: ‘My Dear Doris, I know we’re packed now (Doris had packed that day in preparation for her trip to Austria for hip surgery) and all will be fine with you.’

Photographs of the stone and message were taken, then Freddie departed but not before Doris said ‘see you in Austria‘.
Red Cloud came through. He said it had been an amazing night and that not often the children gave apports like Angel cards. He said ‘Please come again’ to the guests.

In turn we all thanked Red Cloud for the wonderful evening we had had.

After 1 hour and 11 minutes Doris closed the circle in prayer.

Mike Ganley.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting - some with normal flash camera, and some with red light and digi-cam:

 Guest sitter Grant Anderson has a trumpet put on
both hands by Dick (Kath's Father in Spirit).

The trumpets on Grant's hands are guided forward
into other sitter's hands by Dick.

Mary (Kath's Mum in Spirit) ties the large
trumpet in a knot around James' wrist.

 Circle table with spare table stuck firmly
together, are tilted over by Dick.

The spare table now turned the right way
up and sat on the circle table.

The apported healing stone put in Grant's
hand by Spirit child Luke.

 The ribbon placed on guest sitter Pat's hand
by her Father in Spirit 'Patrick'.

The angel card placed in Pat's hand by
Spirit child 'Lucy'.

Two more apported angel cards, put in daviD
and Natasha's hands by Spirit child 'Lucy'.

 The drum on Mike's head, put there by
Spirit child 'Lucy'.

Doris's letter and apported healing stone, given
to her by Freddie (her husband in Spirit).

Red light photo of the trumpet wrapped around
James' wrist by his Great-Grandmother 'Mary' in Spirit.

Red light photo of the apported healing
stone in sitter's hand.

Red light photo of the ribbon on Pat's wrist,
put there by her Father in Spirit 'Patrick'.

 Red light photo of the drum on Mike's head,
put there by Spirit chlid 'Lucy'.

 Red light photo of the letter and apported
healing stone, given to Doris by her
husband in Spirit 'Freddie'.

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