Another wonderful evening with Red Cloud and our Spirit team - our
thanks to daviD Griffin and Natasha Acimovic (Exopolitics Uk) for
sharing with us their energies again, and special thanks to Mike Ganley
for taking on the task of trying to put into words what we witnessed
this evening - You're a Gem Mike.
Thanks also to our other regular
sitters; Helen, Ross, Tom, Teresa and Jojan, you all give so freely and
it is much appreciated.
Kath and Terry Nelson.
Helen and Ross Henderson.
Teresa Tuohy.
Tom Nelson.
davID Griffin and Natasha Acimovic.
Jojan and Mike Ganley.
Kath asked Teresa if she would like to open and as per usual as soon
as she began, the table jumped into life and began jumping up excitedly
greeting sitters. Red Cloud was the first to come through and he
immediately gave a long message to davID and Natasha: “David and
Natasha, your crystal may soak up some energies; I will tell you one
thing: star people come where there is an abundance of crystals. You
understand they tap into the energy. Stick with us; I (will do) what I
can, when I can.”
Red Cloud then asked for the drum which
initially shook on the table before the beater was picked up and strong
rhythmic banging started. The drum levitated and moved around the room
moving under my chin and I could clearly see the outline of his hand and
arm. There was a variety of rhythm – some using the stick and some
using only his hand on the top and side of the drum. Red Cloud pushed
the drum to a gap on the floor next to Terry and there was much laughter
as it was obvious he had had enough of the drum. The table moved
energetically and then levitated before moving over the heads of Kath
and Helen across to the other side of the room near the door.
It continued to move energetically and we all realised that it had
moved to the area where davID had placed the crystal he brought into the
room. The light was put on and photographs taken – all witnessing the
table moving outside the circle with only Kath and Helen able to place
their hands on it. Red Cloud then departed.
The next communicator
was Dick. The table levitated. Terry continued to communicate with Dick
with the table in mid-air. Dick had a message for davID: David, I know
something you don’t know (much laughter from circle!)
Terry asked Dick if he was going to tell him and I pointed out it was difficult for him to spell out na na na-na na!
Dick continued, ‘Where you sit your friends have already been
(referring to the valley where davID conducts his research). Dick then
asked for the megaphones while Kath asked him if her mother (Mary) was
also present to which he confirmed. The large trumpets both levitated
and began conducting to the music. One trumpet was placed on Ross’ arm
and Dick blew ‘raspberries’ down it. One trumpet went on the floor and
began to move around independently of the other one. Dick then
communicated further asking for photographs to be taken.
trumpets had been put together at the narrow end forming a right angle.
The upside down table levitated and photographs were taken, but the
light was causing the energies to be depleted and the table began to
drop. davID had his hand touched by Dick. Natasha had her arm placed in
the trumpet and she felt a spirit hand on her arm.
Dick continued to conduct to the music and hit me on the head. I
then felt a hand hit me hard on the back, then Mary (Kath’s Mum in
Spirit) was heard to be saying ‘La la la’ to music through the trumpet.
Natasha continued to feel a hand on her arm as the trumpet was pushed
further onto her arm and pictures were taken. Mary was then heard saying
to davID ‘You are very clever!’
The other table began to move
and levitated above the sitters heads and onto the main table. Trumpets
were already on the table and they were flattened. The cat could be
heard meowing outside and terry joking commented ‘Can’t you asport that
cat away!’ causing much laughter. Terry was asked to place another
trumpet on top of the second table. The trumpet levitated immediately
and continued to conduct to the music.
A further communication
came through requesting a tambourine. Natasha found the tambourine and
passed it to Terry. Terry placed it on the table and both tables (one on
top of the other) levitated. The tables returned to the floor and the
tambourine began to shake. Natasha had her hand felt and both hers and
Terry’s hands were pulled to the top of the table. Photographs were
taken. The trumpets levitated again and the tambourine fell to the
floor. The second table levitated and moved out of the circle back into
the corner of the room, then Dick said his goodbyes.
The next communicator played around a bit before revealing who it
was. Finally the name Suzy came through. She explained she had been
before and was from Mamma Fay (Silver Fox Circle in Newcastle). Suzy
asked if we could have the guitar. She asked me (Mike) to hold it. Tom
passed me the guitar. I held it. The table moved and the guitar started
to play all of its own accord. A spirit hand lifted my arm and placed it
on the fret. I made some cord shapes though the guitar was badly out of
tune. We played it together (probably wouldn’t make Top Of The Pops!)
She also banged on the side of the guitar and ran her fingers up and
down the strings making that ‘squeaky’ sound which made a few sitters
grimace! Photographs were taken.
The table then lifted up and
was placed on my head. I was rocked backwards and forwards and
eventually was forced down onto the floor whereupon Helen commented
‘Suzy 1, Mike 0!’ It reminded us of the wrestling that used to be shown
on a Saturday afternoon. Eventually she pulled me up from the floor and
soon I was back on my seat without having to stand up myself at all.
Suzy then shifted her attention to Helen and tied her to the table with
string. A hand then picked my hand up and wrapped string around it
then she went to Tom and did the same. Helen was concerned about her
glasses and I pointed out she should have gone to Specsavers (laughter)
then we were allowed to look and photographs were taken. Kath, Helen,
Tom, Jojan and myself were tied up.
Eventually the table moved
and we were free (and Helen’s glasses were intact). We congratulated
Suzy and Kath asked her to do the same to Mamma Fay at which point she
left the circle.
The next communicator to the circle was Tony (Teresa’s husband in
spirit). He said ‘Hello!’ and there were general greetings from the
sitters who had known him. He went further saying he had been cuddling
the babies (message confirmed by Teresa who said that Sienna was a
‘right one!’)
Tony then asked for wire. Terry fetched the
remaining wire and placed it on the table. We heard a muffled sound to
the background of the lovely brass music as the wire was obviously being
bent into a shape of some kind. A movement of the table indicated he
had finished and using the red light we saw two angels placed inside
each other (made from the wire) – a present for the Granddaughters aged
3 and 2 respectively. Tony then mentioned Michael (Tony and Teresa‘s
Son). He pointed out ‘He is fine’ which meant something to Teresa.
Terry felt a hand stroke his hand, then there was more sound before he
(Tony) asked for chalk and card. The table rocked furiously (building up
energy?) until Terry placed black card and chalk on the table. When he
(Tony) had indicated he had finished (once again by a single rock of the
table) the red light was put on and we saw a drawing of two windows
with the writing ‘LOL‘ on. Teresa confirmed Michael had new windows
fitted and that no expanding foam had been fitted. He sent his love to
Teresa and then departed.
The next communicator was Lucy. She
requested two keyboards. Terry found them, switched them on and placed
them on the table, One immediately was placed on davID’s hand and a very
futuristic tune was played which we interpreted as space sounds
produced for the benefit of davID.
The keyboard then danced in the air and we all suggested it reminded
us of a space ship. It was very reminiscent of Close Encounters of a
Third Kind. Helen asked Lucy if it was meant to be a UFO for the guests
and she confirmed this.
A couple of traditional tunes were rattled out and then Lucy left us and Red Cloud returned to the table.
He continued to play the keyboard starting where Lucy had finished off, once again with a very contemporary slant. We heard traditional rhythms within the tunes and suddenly the keyboard levitated before being pushed onto the floor.
The table continued to move to the rhythm and we all revelled at the energy present in the room. We commented on how foggy the atmosphere was, then Red Cloud asked us to close the circle – which Kath did in prayer bringing another amazing sitting with the incredible Rainbow Circle to an end.
Mike Ganley.
A couple of traditional tunes were rattled out and then Lucy left us and Red Cloud returned to the table.
He continued to play the keyboard starting where Lucy had finished off, once again with a very contemporary slant. We heard traditional rhythms within the tunes and suddenly the keyboard levitated before being pushed onto the floor.
The table continued to move to the rhythm and we all revelled at the energy present in the room. We commented on how foggy the atmosphere was, then Red Cloud asked us to close the circle – which Kath did in prayer bringing another amazing sitting with the incredible Rainbow Circle to an end.
Mike Ganley.
Below are various photos taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - some with normal flash camera, and some with red light and digi-cam (snapshot feature):
Red Cloud takes the table out of the
circle behind Kath and Helen.
(Kath's Father in Spirit) with the help of Mary
(Kath's Mum in Spirit)
put the trumpets on sitters
arms and then creating a right angle with
they thread it inside the other one.
with the red light on, Dick levitates
the table and turns it
upside-down - this
photo was taken with a normal flash camera,
again not
affecting the energies what-so-ever.
The trumpets are put on sitters arms by Dick & Mary - sitters
are then pulled out of their seats over the table.
first thought when seeing this photo,
was of a telescope looking up to
the stars,
quite apt considering what our guests
daviD and Natasha are
involved in.
The trumpet was put in this position by Dick.
puts the trumpet and tambourine on the
table leg - then guides Natasha
and myself
over to the table and seats our hands on top.
The table dancing around in the centre of the
circle - controlled by Dick.
child 'Suzy' from 'The Silver Fox Circle' in Newcastle
paid us a visit
this evening - Suzy asked for the
guitar to be given to Mike - Suzy then
the guitar as Mike created the chords.
Suzy puts the table over Mike's head.
Suzy puts Helen inside the table, then ties
her up with string.
beautiful creation from pliable wire 'two little angels'
was created
by Tony (Teresa's Husband in Spirit)
- 'two angels for my angels' says
Tony when finished.
Red light photo of the trumpets fixed at right angles.
Energy emitted from the trumpets fixed together
by Dick and Mary.
Energy waves coming off the upturned table leg.
This red light photo was taken of the
upturned levitating table.
was a marvellous photo of the trumpets,
when brightened up in Photoshop
it had a
hidden Spirit Hand - confirmed by Red Cloud.
Brightness enhanced photo of the hidden Spirit hand.
This red light photo is of the trumpet that looks
like a telescope looking to the stars.
This red light photo is of the trumpet on the table leg.
Red light photo of the guitar being played
by Spirit child 'Suzy.
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