The Rainbow Home Circle - Wednesday 16th July 2014.

After Tuesday 15th circle problem with recording I was taking no chances - new batteries...and boy was I glad I did. This evening Dick gave us some of the clearest and strongest Direct Voice to date - look out for a recording of this shortly.
My thanks to Mike Ganley for taking the time to transcribe this evening’s sitting, giving us his perspective of the events that transpired.


Kath and Terry Nelson.
Teresa Tuohy.
Tom Nelson.
Vincent Crewe.
Emily Waller.
davID Griffin.
Natasha Acimovic.
Mike and Jojan Ganley.
Keri Barsby.
Steve Willoughby.

The Rainbow circle met for the Wednesday evening sitting on a very warm and humid July evening. Vincent, who had travelled up from Wakefield, kindly brought several pyramids he had made for sitters to take away to assist with healing. Three of these pyramids were brought into the sitting room and placed on the spare table in the corner of room directly behind where Kath and I (Mike) sit.

 Emily was asked if she would like to open up and much to her shock the table began to jump up and down excitedly as soon as she began. Red Cloud came to the table and brought the message: ‘Wonderful collection of energies’ the table jumped onto Emily’s knee before returning to the floor. The message continued: ‘Vincent, what a wonderful idea (referring to the pyramids), we can give it a try, but you will have to come more often!’
With that the pyramids on the table behind us levitated in the air one by one. They rose to a considerable height, above the heads of the sitters and placed on the table in the middle of the sitters. Red Cloud communicated further: ‘We can have a healing night with other crystals (referring to all the other pyramids Vincent had brought with him.)

The pyramids circled among the sitters touching them and we were all amazed at the sight of the three homemade pyramid crystals touching the sitters. Red cloud instructed us to take a photograph and then for the pyramids to be moved to a safe place. The table then embraced several of the sitters (Vincent and Jojan) before Red Cloud asked for the shamanic drum.

The drum started playing loudly using both the top and sides. The drum levitated and was placed on top of Vincent, then it came over to me (I had been unwell). The drum continued to play touching Vincent’s nose before moving across to Emily who explained ‘Oh hello! It’s on my lap! It continued playing then the sitters felt the drum stick running along their hands.

Red Cloud then asked for a hoop and said “Hoop for Keri (healing for her arm).” A large hoop was placed above the wrists of the sitters and the hoop began to vibrate. The hoop was then put over Keri’s shoulders where it began to vibrate again - Keri informs us that the hoop was also working on her back area too. We saw both the luminous tabs along the hoop (several of them) and also heard the beans inside the hoop rattle as it moved around above the sitters’ hands. A Photo was taken. The hoop also lifted up into a vertical position and span around on the table. It then moved around the heads of several of the sitters and photographs were taken.

Red Cloud departed and a new communicator, Dick, came to the table.
The table levitated and then turned upside down. Dick communicated, through the upside-down table, and asked for 2 large megaphones. The megaphones levitated and conducted to the music. One remained above the table while the other one went outside the circle into the space at the side of the room. There it banged against the wall. 

Hands were placed in trumpets (Emily) and either Dick or Mary blew down the trumpet. Emily felt her arm inside the trumpet being squeezed tightly, and then davID experienced the same. Mary (Kath’s Mum in Spirit) is then heard to say “Did you enjoy that daviD?” clearly down the trumpet. Further communication followed asking for the rest of the trumpets. We saw the seven trumpets being collated into two groups above the table before being levitated and danced around the air (OK losing the odd one) but this amazed the sitters.

More blowing down one of the trumpets was heard and suddenly I yelled out loud after I felt my big toe had been pulled (presumably by Dick). It was a hot night and I went barefoot into the séance room. All the sitters were obviously shocked at this yell, but amused when they learned the reason for it! The table returned to the centre of the room and Natasha felt her hand being squeezed inside a trumpet and then Vincent had his thumb pulled.

davID’s arm was pulled as was Teresa’s and the ends of both trumpets were touching the other directly above the table. Photographs were taken. Then we clearly heard Mary say to davID (Direct voice) that he needed to concentrate more. There was a further personal message for davID then the trumpet made a raspberry sound causing a great deal of laughter. Kath asked her dad if it was him, joking that he only had a voice like that when he shouted at her! The table confirmed this amid lots of laughter from circle.

The trumpet is now out of the circle behind Jojan and Vincent - what comes next is a male voice, remarkably loud and clear down the trumpet, saying “Vincent!” Then we hear the same voice say “Good idea!” (we assume this is to do with Vincent’s wish to bring crystals into the circle) again very loud and clear. Kath then says jokingly “I don’t think that was my mother.” There was laughter from sitters and moments later we hear Dick laughing down the trumpet [more laughter from sitters]

A few moments later we again hear an extremely loud and clear voice saying ‘This is a super circle!’ down the trumpet. I joking asked if I were included in that and a hand rubbed my head, then kisses were heard being blown in the air. Dick departed amidst shouts of thanks.

The next communicator came through and introduced themselves as ‘Ed’. Ed is known to Emily and is a regular visitor to her circle. Emily was very excited and the table shook excitedly. He communicated the word ‘Wow!’ Kath asked him if he’d like something to play with and he asked for ropes and plasticine. Terry found the ropes and the plasticine (together with some shape cutters).

The ropes began to spin immediately to the delight (and certain trepidation) from the sitters (wooden handles!) The rope was then wrapped around the wrists of some of the sitters and continued to spin about above the table. It then was wrapped around my neck twice and other sitters before the rope span at great speed over our heads.

Suddenly everything went quiet and it was obvious that Ed was now playing with the plasticine and making something for us. We heard loud patting sounds (clearly discernible on recording) for several minutes before we were allowed to turn the light on and see what had been made. We then heard more rattling of the rope and this time it appeared that the cutters had the rope put through them. Vincent had a bracelet of some description put around his wrist and a dinosaurs shape was on the table together with other shapes and one had the impression of a face in it.

All the sitters’ hands were tied together with the rope and a photograph was taken for the record. It was very hot and I happened to make a comment about the heat in the room when Ed pulled the shirt around the collar as if he were trying to pull it off. Once again this caused a great deal of laughter. Ed departed.

The new communicator introduced himself – Luke. Through the table he asked for rubber bands and two drum sticks. Two sitters were given a drum stick to hold and it was obvious that all the elastic bands were being joined together. When Luke had finished the long process of joining up the elastic bands he departed.
The next communicator was Pretty Lucy. She asked for both keyboards. Terry placed the keyboards on the table and both began to play. Jingle Bells (ironic considering the amount of heat we were suffering!) followed by Happy Birthday (It had been Tom’s birthday the week before). Lucy then asked for the new balls (Terry had only just purchased these for the circle).

If anyone reading this was wondering the relevance of the ‘catapult’ Luke had made (elastic bands and two drum sticks), well, Lucy used it to launch the two balls and send them flying across the room much to everyone’s laughter and surprise. Lucy asked for ribbons with wire. A ribbon was obviously being tied to Emily’s hand.

Red Cloud returned to the table but rather than tell everyone it was time to close he made an angel with the wire on the table. He then indicated it was time to close and did not want to answer any questions (too warm).

After 1 hour and twenty minutes, terry closed the circle in prayer.

Mike Ganley.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - Some were taken with normal flash camera, and some were taken with red light and digi-camcorder (snapshot feature).

The Orgonite pyramids (brought into the room by Vincent
and daviD for charging) are levitated over sitters
heads and placed on the circle table by Red Cloud.

 Red light photo of Orgonite pyramid.

 Red light photo of sitter holding one
of the Orgonite pyramids.

 daviD's Orgonite pyramid in red light.

 Keri receives healing from the hoop,
put over her by Red Cloud.

Red light photo of the healing hoop.

Red light photo of the hoop over the table.

 Emily has the hoop put over her by Red Cloud.

Emily and daviD have their hands put inside the
trumpets by Dick (or Mary) and are then
guided over the table - notice the indentations
in the trumpets - Spirit's grip.

Red light photo of the trumpet on Emily's hand.

Red light photo of the trumpet on daviD's hand.

 Vincent has his thumb put inside the end
of the trumpet by Dick.

 Red light photo of the trumpet on Vincent's thumb.

Natasha has her hand put inside two
trumpets by Dick (or Mary).

 Red light photo of Natasha's hand
inside the trumpet.

 Dick guides sitters hands (inside the trumpets)
so they come to rest in this position.

 Red light photo of the trumpets that are
resting on each other.

 Spirit child 'Ed', visiting from Emily's circle, ties
up sitters with the skipping ropes, then creates
plasticine shapes and puts them on sitters hands.

Red light photo of sitter's hands tied
with skipping rope.

Looking like a spiders web - sitters all tied
with skipping rope by 'Ed'.

 Plasticine shape put on sitter's hand by
Emily's home circle Spirit child 'Ed'.

 Red light photo of sitter's hands tied
with skipping rope.

 Spirit child 'Ed' creates indentations in the plasticine
with (what we assume to be) his fingernails.

Red light photo of hands tied with skipping
rope over the table.

 Once again, sitter's hands tied over
table with skipping rope.

Sitter's hands tied with skipping rope - looks
like a butterfly in the yellow energy.

 Young Spirit child 'Luke' puts a drumstick
in two sitters hands - he then connects
four elastic bands together and stretches
them across from sitter to sitter, looping
them over the drumsticks.

 Red light photo of the drumstick and elastic band.

 Vincent holds one end of the drumstick and
elastic band concoction created by Luke.

 Red light photo of the drumstick in Vincent's hand.

 Spirit child 'Lucy' asks for ribbons - then ties
them to several sitter's hands.

 Close-up of ribbons tied in bows by Lucy.

 Red light photo of the little angel created
from wire by Red Cloud.

 This red light photo should show hands
over table with ribbons on?

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