The Rainbow Home Circle - Tuesday 15th July 2014.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
Doris Forster.
Alison Sherwood.
Anne Murray.
Malcolm Smith.
Mary Smith.
Helen Henderson.
Ross Henderson.
Pam Allinson.

There is so much that happens in our hour (approx) long sittings, that I rely totally on the digital recording to do these write-ups justice. Unfortunately, on this particular evening, it wasn’t until the end of the sitting that I found out that the recorder’s batteries had died fifteen minutes into the sitting. This was very upsetting, especially as this evening we had some of the strongest direct voice to date. This mistake will not be repeated - new batteries each sitting from now on.

The circle was opened this evening with a Prayer by Anne, the excitement on Spirit side was evident as the table rocked ever so fast throughout the Prayer. Red Cloud, our Gatekeeper, Guide and good friend, as always, was the first to the table - “Good evening, welcome.” say sitters as the table rises up in the air by about three feet.

The table drops gently back to the floor - “It will be drum and hoops again.” says Red Cloud (through the table). “The drum first?” I ask. Red Cloud replies with what I think is going to be a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the drum first, but no, Red Cloud says “Welcome.” Red Cloud then says “Yes.” for the drum first. As we put on the red light to bring in the drum and beater the table begins to rock very fast.

The drum and beater are placed on the table and the light is put off - Red Cloud immediately picks up the beater and begins to tap away on the drum. Within seconds both are up in the air as Red Cloud continues with the beat. The drum slowly descends to the table, and as the beat continues, the drum is placed on top of various sitters fingertips. The drum is now resting on Alison’s fingers along with mine as the beat slows down.

Red Cloud is now doing three hundred and sixty degrees round the table with the beater, tapping fingertips as he goes round. Now Red Cloud is brushing the drum with the beater, then he does a circular movement in the air with the beater in-between beats. The drumming goes on for about four minutes, then we hear ‘da da da da da…da da. on the drum…this is Red Cloud’s way of telling us he has finished [laughter].

The light is put on and the drum and beater are removed from the table - Kath asks “Shall we bring the hoops in whilst the light is on?” “Yes.” says Red Cloud. The two full sized hoola hoops are brought in and placed over sitters hands that are resting on the edge of the table. As the red light goes off both hoops are up in the air, almost to the ceiling and then back down again.

As the hoops separate Malcolm tells us that one has been put over his head and down to his shoulders. Pam tells us that she is also inside the hoop, at the same time Pam tells us that Red Cloud is touching and stroking her arm. The other hoop is now over Ross, Doris and myself, and resting on our shoulders. Both hoops now begin to vibrate quite rapidly around our necks - the sensation I feel is quite soothing.

Moments later we are allowed to put on the red light torch so we may look and take photos of where the hoops are situated. All the while the light is on, the table rocks steadily. As the light goes off the hoop over Doris, Ross and myself is lifted up and away from us. It then begins to vibrate again as it hovers in front of Anne and Kath.

The hoop is now in a horizontal position over the table as it continues to vibrate, twisting and turning slightly as it does so. The hoop is upright just above the table now - Pam tells us that her arm is being stroked again - ”Oh, that’s lovely.” says Pam.
The hoop is now on its way up to the ceiling again; it hovers for a couple of seconds then goes out of the circle over Kath and Anne’s heads.

The hoop is now bouncing up and down on the floor behind Kath and Anne, the noise it makes is quite deafening as the hoops have (I assume) dried peas, or something similar, inside them. The hoop comes back into the circle and comes to rest over the table - “Are you done?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Red Cloud. We put on the red light and remove the hoops from the circle. As the light goes off the table moves across to where Malcolm is sat; it begins to move to and fro and I think that Red Cloud is communicating, but he is, in fact, dancing in tune to the background music.
Moments later Red Cloud communicates “Bye.” through the table. “God Bless.” say sitters as Red Cloud leaves us till end of sitting.

“Hello.” says Dick as he takes command of the table - “Is Mum here?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. Dick then asks for the megaphones (large trumpets) to be brought in………………………………........................

It is at this point that the digital recorder dies, so from memory, and the photos taken I will try to describe the rest of the sitting -

As always when Dick has the trumpets in the circle, he manages to involve all sitters as he shows us what can be done with the energies present. We are never sure when Mary is present also, just who is doing what with the trumpets, but whether it be Dick, or Mary, the display we are given is truly awesome. After a couple of minutes of the trumpets flying around the circle they come to rest on sitters hands - within seconds those hands are inside the trumpets and are being squeezed by Spirit hands on the outside.

Moments later the spare table, which is situated behind Kath and Anne begins to move - within seconds the spare table is in the circle, upside-down and sitting on the circle table - what we didn’t know until the light went on, was, the two trumpets were resting on the circle table (with hands still inside) when the spare table came in - Dick had actually slid the table under the trumpets.

The light is on and photos are taken of the two tables and the trumpets resting on top. As the light goes off Dick asks for ‘more’ - This usually means that Dick wants all six trumpets, so I bring in four more and place them on the table. It is truly an amazing sight to sit and watch as all these trumpets begin to move around - one can only imagine just how much of Dick’s body is materialized - his hands obviously, because we very often see them in the glare of the luminous tabs, but as for the rest of his body, quite a lot of the phenomena occurs just above the table, and as the trumpets dart in and out of the circle between sitters, one would surely feel his body as it passes.

We are given a display with the six trumpets, all doing various manoeuvres in the air above us. Moments later all six trumpets are placed on individual sitters hands, and their hands are then positioned over the spare table which is still upside-down on the circle table. We put on the light so that we may look and take photos - the six trumpets on sitter’s hands are criss-crossed around the table.

As the light goes off Dick then manoeuvres’ two sitters arms with trumpets intact, up and over the top of the spare table’s legs. Dick then joins these two trumpets together at their thin ends and we are allowed to quickly put on the red light and photograph what we see. As the light goes off the trumpets are taken from sitters hands, and within seconds we have one trumpet in the air, just hovering there.

From experience we now know, that if a trumpet just hovers, there is a good chance that Dick or whoever else is controlling it at that moment, is more than likely going to speak through it. Our assumptions were correct, but on this occasion we were more than surprised as Dick spoke louder through the trumpet than ever before - a really deep resounding voice was heard. Moments later Dick takes the trumpet out of the circle behind Kath and Anne, and again we hear this loud voice.

I cannot give you word for word what was said, but I can tell you that Dick was giving Malcolm a message as regards Malcolm’s safety in his garden - Dick was worried that Malcolm may slip at some time whilst carrying water (which was too heavy) from the garden tap - he was just telling his son (Malcolm) to be careful and that he (Dick) watches him like a hawk. Dick also spoke to Doris about her husband Fred, saying that he (Fred) was also learning how to do the direct voice.

To say that we were gutted is an understatement when we found that this direct voice was not on tape, but it is a mistake that will not be repeated.

Dick and Mary say their ‘goodbyes’ and we then have our usual visit from young Luke. Luke, like all our Spirit friends brings so much joy to the circle, and as a child, one never knows what he is going to say or do. What we do know, is that he always seems to be as excited as we are - he loves to perform, and he has certainly mastered working with the energies. His favourite toys to work with, are usually the skipping ropes, and we marvel at what he does with them, but this evening he chose the plastic trumpet.

This always guarantees a laugh from sitters, as Luke always manages to make some weird and wonderful noises from the mouth-piece. Luke has proved that he can really play it if the mood takes him as his rendition of ‘The Last Post’ the other week can testify, but more often than not, like other children, he just likes to make a noise.

As Luke leaves us our little lady friend Lucy comes to the table. Lucy, like Luke, loves to entertain, and where Luke has mastered the trumpet, Lucy has mastered the keyboard. We have had some wonderful displays of her musical skills over the years, always managing to get our sitters to sing along to whatever she is playing - she’s a little gem.
Lucy has taken a real shine to Kath’s brother Malcolm who sits with us quite regularly, and always likes to get close to him with the table on the evenings that he sits.
This evening we had two new tiny footballs in the room that our daughter Emma had purchased a week previous, and Lucy decided that this is what she would like to play with. The light is put on and the two approx 8 inch diameter footballs are put on the table - both balls have luminous tabs, one on either side on them so we can see where they are situated once the light is put off.
Both footballs are up in the air now, just above the table, Lucy then bounces them on the table one at a time - not just a gentle bounce as the balls rebound upwards by about two feet. Lucy now picks up both footballs together, and like with the trumpets, we see the ‘gyro’ effect as Lucy spins the balls round in circles, and as they spin they look as if they are inter-twined.

As Lucy leaves us we have a visit from two of our now, regular visitors to the circle. Firstly, Freddie (Doris’ husband in Spirit) who always likes to give Doris a personal written message using the A4 paper and pencil - tonight was no different, we sit and marvel at what we are witnessing as the pencil rises up from the table and begins to write on the paper. Freddie, like other Spirit visitors seems to have had no problem in mastering this form of communication - the room is in total darkness as they write, but the writing is always tidy and in straight lines.

The pencil is placed flat on the paper, this signals to us that Freddie has finished and we put on the red light so Doris may read what Freddie has written - a personal and meaningful message as always. Doris, a very deserving Lady, we are so happy that you and Freddie can communicate in this way, long may it continue.

As Freddie leaves us our second prolific writer appears…its William (Alison’s Great-Uncle in Spirit). Alison, like Doris, another deserving lady, always has a chuckle when William is at the table - Although William’s written messages can be very personal, he always manages to put some humour into them. This isn’t to say that Freddie is not humorous also, it’s just that William’s messages sometimes come with pictures that can be quite cryptic, which always gets a laugh from Alison, as well as us other sitters.

All messages given to us in this way are laminated and given to the respective sitter at the end of the evening to take away with them - they are wonderful keepsakes and we thank Spirit for taking the time to communicate in this way.

As Red Cloud comes back to the table we all give thanks for yet another wonderful evening with our Spirit family and friends.

As always, when Doris is present, we ask that she will close the circle in Prayer, which she always does so beautifully.

Duration of sitting: Approx One hour and ten minutes.

Terry Nelson.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - Some were taken with normal flash camera, and some were taken with red light and digi-camcorder (snapshot feature).

Red Cloud puts the hoop over Pam and Malcolm's
shoulders...for healing purposes.

 Ross, Doris and myself (Terry) are put inside
the hoop by Red Cloud.

 Red light photo of the hoop over Doris' fingers.

 Red light photo of the hoop around sitters shoulders.
 Dick (Kath and Malcolm's Father in Spirit) brings
in the spare table and puts it upside-down on the
circle table, sliding it under the trumpets as he does so.

Red light photo of the two trumpets on
the spare table-top.

 Red light photo of sitters hands resting on the
upturned spare table that is on
top of the circle table.

Dick puts the six trumpets on sitters hands and then
places them in this position atop the spare table.

 Red light photo of the trumpets on the table top.

 Red light photo of the trumpets on the table top.

 Dick (or Mary) puts the trumpets on two
sitters hands, then guides them over the
table legs, finally putting the end of
one trumpet inside the other trumpet.

 Red light photo of the two trumpets
joined together by Dick.

The two new tiny footballs - photo taken after
Spirit child Lucy plays with them over table.

 Red light photo of the trumpet placed
between Mary and Kath.



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