The Rainbow Home Circle - Tuesday 10th June 2014.

An amazing evening with some amazing photographs of Spirit taken during the sitting.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
James Smith.
Christopher Smith.
Annabelle Smith.
Helen Henderson.
Ross Henderson.
Pam Allinson.
Anne Murray.
Philippa Slater.

All communication between us and Spirit this evening was via the table, unless otherwise stated.

The circle was opened this evening with a Prayer by me (Terry) and as usual the table began to move and rock around in the centre of the circle before the Prayer had ended.

The table is now on its side, then upside-down and up towards the ceiling, all in one smooth movement. As it comes back to the floor it begins to communicate - “Good evening Red Cloud.” say sitters as table stops at the letter ‘R’. The table is immediately whisked up into the air again by Red Cloud, it rises and falls swiftly, creating a wonderful cool breeze as it does so - such energy!

Up, down, up, down, the breeze is wonderful - “Just testing.” says Red Cloud [laughter]. Red Cloud continues “Good energies again, young people a bonus.” “For the energies?” I ask. “Yes.” says Red Cloud. The table is whisked up again by Red Cloud and taken out of the circle behind Anne; it lands on the floor near the door and stays there for a few moments before rising up and coming back into the circle. The table then drops gently back to the floor in the centre of the circle.

As we put our hands back on the table many sitters comment on the fact that it seems smaller, Red Cloud confirms this with one nudge of the table. Red Cloud then asks for the drum to be brought in to the circle - we put on the red light and the shamanic drum is brought in by James and placed on the rocking table. As the light goes off the table begins to rock again; at the same time Red Cloud begins to beat the drum which is sat on the table. As the rhythmic beat continues the drum rises up in the air and moves across to Anne’s head, just touching the tip of Anne’s nose. As it moves away towards Helen, Anne tells us that her face has been caressed by the beater.

The drum now moves across the circle and comes to rest on Christopher’s hands which are on the edge of the table; the beating of the drum is louder and faster now. Moments later the drum moves across to me (Terry) and we hear da da da da da….da da on the drum [laughter] This is usually a sign that Red Cloud has finished so I ask if he wishes me to remove the drum - “Yes.” says Red Cloud. James picks up the drum and removes it and the beater from the table. “Big hoops (hoola hoops).” says Red Cloud. “Both?” I ask. “Yes.” says Red Cloud.

The large hoola hoops are brought in and placed over the table by me - they are instantly picked up by Red Cloud; one is placed over Philippa’s head and it comes to rest on her neck. The other hoop rises up and goes out of the circle over Anne’s head to the back wall - Kath then explains that these hoops are ‘healing hoops’ and are put over sitters to give them healing.

As the hoop outside of the circle moves back towards the circle it touches Anne’s back then moves round and touches Pam’s back; it then lifts up over their heads and is back in the circle, but also round their heads. “That is beautiful!” says Anne. The light is put on and photos taken of the hoops over sitters heads - the table is rocking very fast as the photos are taken. As the light is put off Red Cloud lifts the hoops away from the sitters - Anne tells us that she can feel a hand rubbing her head as the hoop is lifted away.

Both hoops now rise up to the ceiling, and as they come back down they begin to shake quite rapidly; making a rather loud noise as they do so. The hoops are now just above the table, touching sitters hands that are resting on the table’s edge - this goes on for about a minute, then the hoops are pushed over to me by Red Cloud, thus signifying that he wishes them to be removed.
“Enjoy.” says Red Cloud - “We will.” say sitters as Red Cloud leaves us.

“I am honoured again.” says Dick as he comes to the table - “You mean the three young lads (Tom, James and Christopher)?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. The table then begins to move around the boys, first to Christopher, then to Tom and then over to James as if to greet them in turn. This evening we introduced a new large trumpet to the circle (made by Pam). “Let’s try it.” says Dick. “You mean Pam’s new trumpet?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. “Do you want two (trumpets)?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick.

The light goes on and I put the new black megaphone and the gold one on the excitedly rocking table - as the light goes off both trumpets rise up in the air. “Is Mam here?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Dick. “Just so I know.” says Kath. The black trumpet rises well above the gold one and starts to conduct to the background music, then down to the table and taps sitters hands as it moves around the circle. Both rise up again and as one moves across to James the other one moves over to Philippa - their arms are then placed inside the trumpets - we assume Dick is with one trumpet and Mary (Kath’s Mum in Spirit) is with the other.

James tells us that his hand is being squeezed inside the trumpet by a hand on the outside. Philippa tells us that she is being pulled over the table by a hand gripping the trumpet on her arm [laughter]. The light is put on so we may look; we find Philippa stood over the table with the black trumpet on her arm, the trumpet on James’ arm is resting on top of the black one. Photos are taken and the light is then put off.

We can now hear a blowing sound down the trumpet on Philippa’s arm - “Thank you Dick.” says Philippa as the trumpet is pulled away from her. The trumpet on James’ arm pulls away also, and James tells us that he is now being tapped on the head with it. At the same time Annabelle tells us that her shoulder has been touched by a hand.

One trumpet is up on the wall behind Tom now; from here it goes out of the circle behind Kath and Anne, then back in and over to Helen, from Helen over to James again and as it goes on to James’ hand again we hear a soft female voice say ‘Hello’ down it whilst it is on his hand. “Hello.” says sitters.
The trumpet is now off James’ hand and it is up in the air with the other one, as they separate one stays within the circle and the other one goes out behind Helen. They then begin to dance and weave in the air in unison with each other - again one looked like a mirror image of the other.

Moments later they are both conducting to the music together, then one is thrown across the circle; landing on my chest, I say ‘thank you Dick’ [laughter]. We now hear the sound of someone’s back being slapped, possibly Tom (not sure in the darkness). The spare table stirs in the corner behind Annabelle, and moments later it is coming into the circle between Kath and Anne, and as it moves across the circle it turns upside-down before seating itself on top of the circle table.

Christopher, Annabelle and Helen’s hands are now pulled over to the upturned table in turn - Annabelle’s hand is placed on top of Christopher’s and then Helen’s is placed on top of Annabelle’s. Both tables now rise up from the floor with all hands still on the top - Helen has to stand to keep her hand in place. As the table drops gently down again we are allowed the red light to look and to take photos - the table vibrates rapidly as the photos are being taken.

As the light goes off the tables move across the floor to Kath, then they begin to tilt over towards me - Dick is doing his horizontal move again whereby the tables tilt right over to near horizontal position - we put on the light once again to take a photo of the tables on their side stuck firmly together inches above the floor. We all have our hands on the top edge of the table to give energy to Spirit - in the past we have attempted to separate the tables, but they are stuck like glue until Spirit decide to release them.

The tables rise back to the vertical and then the light is put off - Dick then communicates “Small drum, tambourine.” - the top table is rocking wildly on the circle table as we put the light back on to bring in the instruments. The moment the light is put off the tambourine is up and shaking in the air, then it is over to Helen; tapping her head. At the same time Tom is pulled over to the table, and we hear the drumsticks begin to tap the table legs.

The tambourine is now dropped into Anne’s lap; Tom tells us that the drumstick is now running up and down his back and that it is now being put down his shirt so that it is just sticking out on the neckline. We now hear a tapping sound and Tom tells us it is the drum and it is on his head being tapped by a hand - we are allowed the light again and all sitters laugh to see Tom bent over with the drumstick sticking out from the shirt at the back of his head and the drum on his head. The table rocks wildly as the photo is taken of Tom by me.

Seconds later the drum is off Tom and it is hanging on the upturned table leg; from here it goes over to Christopher and it is being placed on his head. Chris also has the drumstick put down the back of his shirt; at the same time he is having his hair and arm stroked. The table then moves across to Christopher and we take photos of it sat on Christopher’s lap.

The spare table now moves out of the circle between Kath and Anne, then James is pulled over the circle table which is back in the centre of the circle. The drum is taken from Christopher’s head and is placed over James’ head with the rope dangling from his ears. As the drum dangles over the table it is being tapped by a hand, James’ head is also tapped in sequence with the drum [laughter].

Moments later Christopher is also pulled over the table and the table then begins to rock with Chris and James bent over it - we put on the light and take photos as the table rocks even faster [laughter]. As the light goes off the drum lifts up off James’ head and begins spinning in the air above him. Seconds later the drum is thrown out of the circle between Christopher and Philippa. “Bye.” says Dick - “Bye, God Bless.” say sitters.

Our next communicator on the table is ‘George’ - We welcome George to the circle and I then ask him if he would like to go to the person that he has come to see - the table moves across the circle to Pam, Helen and Anne, it comes to rest on Helen’s lap.
“Is this Dad?” asks Helen. “Yes.” says George. “Hello Dad, I haven’t seen you in ages.” says Helen jokingly [laughter]. “Nice to have you here.” says Helen. When asked if he would like to say something, George says “Paper.” “Paper and pencil?” I ask. “Yes.” says George.

Tom puts on the red light and I bring in the A4 paper and pencil with luminous tab on its stem. I show sitters that the paper is blank on both sides then place it on the table with the pencil. The light goes off and the pencil lifts up and begins to write on the paper - “Eck, it’s an essay, I wonder what I’ve done.” says Helen jokingly as George seems to be writing for ages. “It’s amazing!” says Philippa and Annabelle as they watch the pencil move in the darkness. Sitters then laugh out loud as we hear the paper being turned over for even more writing.

After about ninety seconds the pencil is placed on the table by George - “May we look?” I ask. “Yes.” says George. The light is put on and we look at the paper; on it is a personal message for Helen which she fully understood, it ends with ‘Love you, Dad.’ “Love you too Dad.” says Helen. Helen then tells us that earlier on in the day she was talking to her Dad in her head, and that she had asked him if he would come this evening - We knew nothing of this until after George’s message.

George now asks for the ‘String’ and then says “Helen, Ross, hands in centre.” Helen and Ross put their hands on the table; I then put the ball of string on the table near them, and as I do so, a hand grabs my finger and shakes it like you would shake a hand. “God Bless you George.” I say as he releases his grip. Helen then tells us that her hand which is next to Ross’s is being tied with the string, and that Ross is also being tied - “Don’t do anything too fancy Dad.” says Helen jokingly [laughter].

George then says “Together forever.” We are allowed the light on again, and find them both tied together by their hands - photos are taken and when the light goes off again, Helen tells us that her Dad has untied them. “Well done Dad.” says Helen.
Moments later George says “Bye.” “Bye, God Bless,” say sitters.

Young Luke is next to come to the table - “Can I have kites and bus (little toy American school bus)?” asks Luke. Tom puts on the light and the table begins to rock until the kites are placed upon it - the bus is then placed on top of the kites and the light is put off again. One of the kites is immediately picked up by Luke and is wafted in the air above us; creating a much needed breeze in the warm room - “Thank you Luke.” say sitters.

Moments later the kite is back down to the table and it somehow manages to flip the bus up in the air; as the bus falls back to the table its tail lights begin to flash red and an inbuilt tune begins to play - “So clever.” says Anne. Both kites are now up in the air wafting us once again; this goes on for a few moments then James tells us his little finger has been grabbed, and that it is being tied with the string from the kite. Then we have sitters telling us that the kites have been placed over their heads like a hat and that other sitters fingers have been tied also.

George now asks for the ‘String’ and then says “Helen, Ross, hands in centre.” Helen and Ross put their hands on the table; I then put the ball of string on the table near them, and as I do so, a hand grabs my finger and shakes it like you would shake a hand. “God Bless you George.” I say as he releases his grip. Helen then tells us that her hand which is next to Ross’s is being tied with the string, and that Ross is also being tied - “Don’t do anything too fancy Dad.” says Helen jokingly [laughter].

George then says “Together forever.” We are allowed the light on again, and find them both tied together by their hands - photos are taken and when the light goes off again, Helen tells us that her Dad has untied them. “Well done Dad.” says Helen.
Moments later George says “Bye.” “Bye, God Bless,” say sitters.

Young Luke is next to come to the table - “Can I have kites and bus (little toy American school bus)?” asks Luke. Tom puts on the light and the table begins to rock until the kites are placed upon it - the bus is then placed on top of the kites and the light is put off again. One of the kites is immediately picked up by Luke and is wafted in the air above us; creating a much needed breeze in the warm room - “Thank you Luke.” say sitters.

Moments later the kite is back down to the table and it somehow manages to flip the bus up in the air; as the bus falls back to the table its tail lights begin to flash red and an inbuilt tune begins to play - “So clever.” says Anne. Both kites are now up in the air wafting us once again; this goes on for a few moments then James tells us his little finger has been grabbed, and that it is being tied with the string from the kite. Then we have sitters telling us that the kites have been placed over their heads like a hat and that other sitters fingers have been tied also.

We put on the light and take photos of various sitters tied together with string, and also Anne has one of the kites over her head. Moments later the school bus drops to the floor and it moves across the floor under the table towards Kath. We then put off the light, but almost immediately have to put it back on again as Annabelle now tells us that she has a kite over her head, and also Pam has been adorned with one.

As the light is put off we hear Anne say “Thank you Luke.” Pam now tells us that Luke has taken the glasses from her face; Anne then tells us that the glasses have been put on her face by Luke - The light is put on to roars of laughter from sitters. As the light goes off again Pam tells us that her hand has been grabbed and that the glasses have been placed in her open palm.

Luke then says “Ba,,,” “Balloons?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke. The two large pink punch balloons are placed on the table by Ross, and for the next five minutes various female sitters are tormented by Luke (they think he may burst the balloons) as he ties the elastic from the balloons to the table legs and twangs the balloons with the elastic. This makes a noise similar (as Ross describes it) to a firecracker going off. The table is now upside-down with a balloon tied to the leg and Luke bashing away at it.

“Well I’m not really scared.” says Helen as Luke continually torments her with the balloon [laughter]. “Why are you clinging to me then?” says Anne jokingly [more laughter]. Moments later, after a little more banter with the ladies, Luke has the table, right way up on top of one of the balloons; using the balloon as a ‘space hopper’ the table bounces up and down on it - we are allowed the red light and we also film this with the digi-cam; all the time we are filming the table is bouncing on the balloon.

The table is now off the balloon and it moves over to Anne, and Luke places her inside the table legs - again the light goes on and we see Anne being moved from side to side inside the table - as we photograph this the table begins to vibrate; we can all feel this vibration as we touch the table. As the light goes off the table is put back in the centre of the circle by Luke - “Bye.” says Luke. “Bye bye Luke, God Bless.” say sitters as Luke leaves us.

Our last communicator before Red Cloud is young Lucy, and as she comes to the table she asks for ‘both keyboards’ - the light is put on and the keyboards are brought in and placed on the table which is rocking quite fast. The instant the light goes out one of the keyboards is up and on to James’ hand - Lucy then begins to play this keyboard, the tune coming out of it sounds very much like last weeks Ufo music, in fact, seconds later the keyboard is up in the air and Lucy is moving it around and it looks similar to a spaceship with lights on as she continues with the weird musical sounds.

This keyboard is then taken out of the circle by Lucy and it is placed on the spare table behind Annabelle and Kath - still creating this Ufo type music. The second keyboard is now up in the air playing a more recognisable type of tune. The table also gets in on the act now as it begins to dance in the centre of the circle as the keyboard is spinning round in circles above it; all the while the one on the spare table is playing.

Moments later the keyboard on the spare table is brought back into the circle by Lucy and placed on the circle table alongside the other. I ask Lucy if she has finished with them - “Yes.” says Lucy. The keyboards are removed from the table - “Bye.” says Lucy. “Bye Lucy.” say sitters.

The evening has been a very warm one, and all sitters are quite hot as Red Cloud comes back to the table - Red Cloud has nothing to say, and asks us to close the circle as the energies are very low due to the heat. 

We thank Red Cloud for an amazing evening yet again.
The circle is then closed with a Prayer by Kath.

Duration of sitting: One hour and seven minutes.

An amazing evening filled with Love and Laughter from our friends in the Spirit world.

Terry Nelson.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting as phenomena occurred - some with normal flash camera and some with red light and digi-cam (snapshot feature):

Red Cloud places the hoola hoop over Anne,
Helen and Pam for healing purposes.

Philippa has the healing hoop put around
her by Red Cloud.

Dick (Kath's Father in Spirit) puts the trumpet
on James' arm - bottom right, tiny Spirit
hand underneath sitters hand.

Tiny Spirit hand under sitter's hand.

Philippa's arm (in black trumpet) is pulled over the
table by Dick - the gold trumpet is over James' arm,
also pulled over the table by Dick.

Dick places various sitters hands on top of the table legs.

Photo taken just as the top table begins to
move away from the bottom one.

Dick places the drum on Tom's head and
the rope over the table leg.

Red light photo taken just after Dick puts
the drum on Tom's head.

Tom is bent forward by Dick - notice the purple
drumstick put down his back by Dick.

 Christopher has the drum put on his head, and the
drumstick put down the back of his shirt by Dick.

 Brothers Christopher and James are pulled over
the table by Dick - Dick also puts the
drum over James' head.

 Ross and Helen have their hands tied together
by Helen's Father in Spirit 'George'.

Spirit child 'Luke' ties various sitters
together with string from the kite.

Red light photo taken by Tom of hand
with string tied to it by Luke.

Young Luke puts the kite over Anne's head.

 Young Luke puts the kite over Pam's head.

Pam's glasses taken from her face by
Luke and put on Anne's face.

Luke ties the elastic from the balloon to the table leg.

Luke uses the balloon as a 'space hopper'
and we film as the table bounces up and down on it.

The table is picked up and put over
Anne's head by Luke.

 This photograph taken in red light, is of the
hands that were placed on the upturned table legs,
but the camera used did not have a flash - as
you can see there is a flash coming from the
mirror - see next photo?

 We see the reason for the flash coming from the
mirror - two Spirit people, female and male can
be seen in the glare - the male has a moustache - no
sitter in the circle has one? Red Cloud tells us
that both came to see our guest sitter Philippa.

The lady cheek to cheek with the man - both are
looking to the right (where Philippa was sat?)

 This photo was taken in red light just as
Tom had the drum put on his head.

 Photo of one of the balloons taken in red light.

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