Our thanks to guests Keri Barsby, Steve Willoughby and Vincent Crewe for
travelling some distance to be with us this evening - their wonderful
energies blended perfectly with ours - Thank you.
Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Tom Nelson.
Teresa Tuohy.
James Smith.
Doris Forster.
Helen Henderson.
Ross Henderson.
Vincent Crewe. (Guest)
Keri Barsby. (Guest)
Steve Willoughby (Guest)
The circle was opened this evening with a Prayer by Kath.
The table was rocking excitedly as Kath said the opening Prayer, and
as the Prayer ended and we put our hands on the table, the table
levitated quite rapidly and then dropped gently back to the floor. This
evening was quite a warm one, and the fan had been introduced about an
hour before we sat to cool the room down - Red Cloud gave us his name
through the table, and said it was ‘ok’ to keep the fan on during the
Red Cloud continued “Welcome everyone. Keri, Steve, if
you need instruction, we, Kath and Terry will gladly help.” “Thank you
Red Cloud, we really appreciate that.” says Steve. Red Cloud then went
on to give Keri and Steve some personal information as regards their
Moments later the table is up in the air again, wafting
sitters with a cool breeze as it rises and falls (under Red Cloud’s
“Drum.” says Red Cloud through the table. The red
light torch was put on and the large shamanic drum and beater were
brought in from behind James, and placed on the rapidly shaking table.
The instant the light went off the drum was being banged with the beater
by Red Cloud - within seconds it is up in the air and out of the circle
behind Helen. Almost instantly the drum is on its way back in to the
circle (all the time being played by Red Cloud).
As the drum re-enters the circle it stops when it reaches Helen, and
is placed on her head; from her head it goes back to the table. Red
Cloud is now drumming with his hands instead of the beater - “Amazing!”
says Steve. The drum now moves from the table over to Guest sitter
‘Keri’ where it rests on her hands for a couple of seconds; from Keri
over to Doris, constantly being played by Red Cloud as it travels around
The drum is then placed on the table in front of me (Terry) and is pushed into my lap by Red Cloud for me to take away.
At this point Keri tells us that the beater was placed in her hand by Red Cloud - both the drum and beater were removed from the table.
“Bye.” says Red Cloud. We thanked Red Cloud and then said ‘bye’ till end of sitting.
At this point Keri tells us that the beater was placed in her hand by Red Cloud - both the drum and beater were removed from the table.
“Bye.” says Red Cloud. We thanked Red Cloud and then said ‘bye’ till end of sitting.
“Hi Dad, welcome.” says Kath as Dick comes to the table - instantly the
table rises up to the ceiling - we try to keep hands on it for energy
as it goes. As the table drops gently back to the floor Dick says
“Megaphones (large trumpets).” As the light goes on and the table rocks
from side to side, the two megaphones are placed on the table-top. “I
then say “ all yours Dick.” as the light goes off again.
trumpet is up and moves across the circle to Keri; it then goes back to
the table to meet the second one that is now rising up. They are both
up above our heads now, spinning round in circles, intertwining with
each other as they do so. Various sitters are now getting their heads
tapped by one of the trumpets - [laughter]. I then comment on the fact
that ‘He (Dick) never misses’ (his mark) in the darkness with the
Now both trumpets are back over the table and we hear drumming with
the trumpets hitting the table-top. Seconds later they are both up in
the air again, and we see the ‘gyroscopic’ effect as they both spin
round in circles; intertwining with each other as they do so - first
clock-wise and then anti-clock-wise. Helen is very popular tonight as
she is tapped for the third time with one of the trumpets - “Yes, he
(Dick) keeps touching my face before he whacks me.” says Helen
“Whoo Dick, he (Dick) proper rubbed my head then.”
says Helen as Dick rubs her head with his hand. One trumpet is now
going round the table, tapping sitters hands as it passes, it then stops
at Steve and hovers near his hand. Kath tells Steve that Dick may want
to put his hand inside the trumpet (they normally do this when hovering
over a sitter’s hand). Steve holds his hand out and sure enough, Dick
puts the trumpet over Steve’s hand and up his arm - Steve then tells us
that he can feel Dick ‘really squeezing’ his hand. “Thank you, bless
you. Oh, now he (Dick) is blowing (down the trumpet).” says Steve.
Steve also comments on the heat from the air being blown.
later we hear Keri say “Oh my goodness, thank you.” as the other
trumpet is put on her hand - “Thank you Dick, I can feel that, wow!”
says Keri. “Can we have a picture?” asks Kath - “Yes.” says Dick
through table. The red light is then put on to take photos of Keri and
Steve’s hands with the trumpets - the table rocks ever so fast whilst
the light is on. “Well done Dick.” says Vincent as the light goes off
again. Steve and Keri tell us that they can still feel their hands
being squeezed through the trumpets - Keri then says “I can’t stay
sitting (Dick is pulling her out of her chair by the trumpet on her
arm).” “Go with it.” says Kath.
Keri is now stood up; her arm is up towards the ceiling, but still
Keri can feel Dick’s grip on the end of the trumpet. We are allowed
once again to put on the red light and take a photo of Keri and the
trumpet. We can all see that no sitter is touching the trumpet, but
still Keri can feel a hand gripping hers through the trumpet. As the
photo is taken we all laugh as Keri says “I am nearly on my tip-toes
(the trumpet pulling her higher).” The light is on, Dick is holding
Keri’s arm up towards the ceiling, but still the table moves and rocks.
As the light goes off Keri says “Oh thank you, he (Dick) has given me a
push.” (Dick had pushed and guided Keri back into her chair. “Thank
you, phew!” says Keri as Dick takes the trumpet from her arm. The
trumpet is now up in the air again, going round sitters and tapping
their faces as it passes [laughter]. “Dad, is my Mam here?” asks Kath.
“Yes.” says Dick with a nod of the trumpet.
Moments later the
trumpet is hovering in front of Doris and myself - we then hear a female
voice say “Hello.” down the trumpet. “Is that you Mam?” asks Kath.
“Yes.” is the reply with a nod of the trumpet. The trumpet is now going
out of the circle over Kath’s head to the back wall; it taps the wall a
few times then we hear “Ouch!” from Helen as she gets another tap from
it as it comes back into the circle [laughter].
“Is it ‘pick on
Helen day’ today.” says Helen jokingly. Seconds later the table begins
to communicate…”M…” “Is that ‘more’ (trumpets)?” I ask. “Yes.” says
Dick through table. “All six trumpets?” I ask. “Yes.” says Dick.
The light is put on, the trumpets are placed on the rocking table, and
the light is put off again - Kath then explains to sitters that this
(wanting six trumpets) only started last week [that’s how I knew what
Dick meant when he said ’more’].
As the light goes off we notice that the room seems to be lighter -
we have lots of luminosity from all the tabs on the toys, but still it
seemed lighter than that.
The trumpets on the table begin to move - first we have four trumpets up, then five, then all six trumpets are up in the air; looking like a ‘bunch of flowers’ in the darkness. All six trumpets (still bunched together) are now moving out of the circle over Kath and Vincent’s heads to the back wall - I comment on the fact that I can see silhouettes of Kath and Vincent as the trumpets pass them (the light being so strong from the six trumpets).
The trumpets on the table begin to move - first we have four trumpets up, then five, then all six trumpets are up in the air; looking like a ‘bunch of flowers’ in the darkness. All six trumpets (still bunched together) are now moving out of the circle over Kath and Vincent’s heads to the back wall - I comment on the fact that I can see silhouettes of Kath and Vincent as the trumpets pass them (the light being so strong from the six trumpets).
The trumpets are
now gliding around up above us, so elegantly - “Is this Dick and Mary?” I
ask - the table nudges once for ‘yes’. “What did he (Dick) move the
table with…his foot?” asks Ross (as Dick’s hands must be fully taken up
with the trumpets). [laughter]
“He’s cleverer than you Ross.”
says Kath. Moments later we hear Vincent say “He (Dick) is touching my
arm now, his fingers are touching my arm.” James then begins to
describe what Dick is doing with the trumpets…”He is putting one inside
the other now, now two, now three, four, and five.” We now have one
megaphone with the smaller trumpets all sat inside it, and as Dick moves
around the sitters we can see a light from inside the megaphone,
emitted from the smaller trumpets inside.
“That is so pretty.” says Helen.
“That is so pretty.” says Helen.
Moments later Dick comes across to me (Terry) and tilts the
megaphone downwards, and as he does so one of the smaller trumpets from
inside it falls into my lap. Dick then goes across to James and taps
his hand with the trumpets (an indication that he wants James to put his
hand inside). James puts his inside the wide end of the trumpet, and
then we hear Kisses being blown down the trumpet - “Oh thank you
Granddad.” says James.
The trumpets then go across to Tom -
“Hello, do you want my hand?” asks Tom. “Yes.” says Dick with a nod of
the trumpets. Tom holds out his hand and it is engulfed by the trumpets
- moments later we hear more Kisses being blown down it. Seconds later
the circle erupts into laughter as Dick throws the trumpets out of the
circle between Doris and myself.
We now hear movement behind
Vincent and Kath where the spare table is situated. Realizing what is
going on, I ask all sitters to move their hands away from the circle
table as the spare one may be coming in - “Wow! It came straight over.”
says Vincent as the spare table comes into the circle between him and
Kath and is placed on top of the circle table by Dick (turning
upside-down as it does so).
“It’s amazing!” says Vincent.
“Whooo!” say sitters as Dick then lifts both table up into the air -
creating a lovely cool breeze as the tables rise and fall (under Dick’s
control). “Amazing, thank you.” says Keri. Dick then moves both tables
across the floor to Kath and begins to tilt them both over towards me
at the other end of the circle - the tables tilt to near horizontal
position in the centre of the circle - all sitters hands are on the top
edge of the tables as the light is put on for us to take a photo. A
photo is then taken of the tables (both stuck firmly together by Spirit
energy) and as the light is put off again they both rise back to the
vertical position in the centre of the circle.
The top table now moves away from the circle table and ends up on
Vincent’s lap - Vincent tells us that the table is now turning the right
way up (legs facing down) on his lap. Seconds later the table is off
Vincent’s lap and is on top of the circle table.
The spare table then begins to rock very fast on top of the circle table (a sound much like that of galloping horses is heard). Lots of laughter and amazement from sitters at what we are witnessing.
This goes on for well over a minute, and then the bottom table begins to vibrate rapidly - the top table slowing down to just a steady rock. The top table then lifts off the circle table and moves back out of the circle between Vincent and Kath to where it originated from (just one or two sitters hands touching it for energy as Dick moves it out).
The spare table then begins to rock very fast on top of the circle table (a sound much like that of galloping horses is heard). Lots of laughter and amazement from sitters at what we are witnessing.
This goes on for well over a minute, and then the bottom table begins to vibrate rapidly - the top table slowing down to just a steady rock. The top table then lifts off the circle table and moves back out of the circle between Vincent and Kath to where it originated from (just one or two sitters hands touching it for energy as Dick moves it out).
“Bye.” says Dick through the table. “God Bless you Dick, that was fantastic.” says Helen - “Bye.” say sitters.
Our next communicator to the table was a chap called Richard - “Good
evening Richard are you new to the circle?” I ask. “Yes.” says Richard.
I then ask Richard if he would like to take the table to whomever he
has come to see in the circle - “It’s come to me, hello Richard, Bless
you, do I know you?” asks Steve. “Yes.” says Richard through the table.
“Are you the one that I have not been able to place all this time?”
asks Steve. “Yes.” says Richard. “Oh, right, well it is wonderful to
get to know your name, but I can’t place you Richard.” says Steve.
“Well, he knows you Steve.” says Kath. “Yes, bless you.” says
Steve. Richard then says “I am going to help you.” “Bless you, thank
you, I appreciate that.” says Steve. “In the circle?” asks Kath.
“Yes.” says Richard. Richard then says “And Roger and out.” We were
confused for a few moments as to what Richard had just said - Vincent
clarified the situation by saying “That’s radio speak (basically ‘I have
finished speaking’).” [laughter] “Bless you.” says Richard through
table. “Bless you Richard, thank you.” says Steve as Richard leaves the
Our next communicator amused us for a few moments by
answering with a ‘maybe’ when asked to give us their name - [experience
tells us that this is a child] “Are you a girl?” asks Kath. The table
slams down hard [again experience tells us that this is a little boy who
does not like being called a girl] [laughter].
“That gets you
every time.” says Kath jokingly [laughter] It was, in fact, young Luke.
We welcomed Luke to the circle and when asked if he had anything to
say, he said “Keri, can I come…” “Do you want to go to her circle for a
visit?” asks Kath. “Yes.” says Luke through the table. [I explain
that Luke likes to visit guests home circles]
“Yes, I would love for you to come and visit me, that would be
absolutely wonderful.” says Keri. Luke then says “New r….” “New rope?”
I ask. “Yes.” says Luke. The light is put on, and the new skipping
rope is brought in and placed on the circle table which is rocking
slightly. As the light goes off we see the rope begin to move on the
table - Luke then unravels the rope from around the handles and
immediately lifts it up in the air above us and begins to spin the rope
round in circles with the handles on the outer - thus creating our
wonderful wheel of light effect in the darkness.
The rope is then
taken out of the circle over Kath and Vincent’s heads - still spinning
ever so fast as it hovers near the wall. Luke then reverses the spin
almost instantly, and then brings it back into the circle again (still
spinning) over Kath’s head.
The rope stops spinning and Tom tells us that he is being pulled over the table and that the rope is being put around his neck - we cannot see Tom in the darkness, but can see the rope’s movement from the luminous tabs on the handles.
I then tell Tom to keep still - “That’s the plan.” says Tom jokingly [laughter].
The rope stops spinning and Tom tells us that he is being pulled over the table and that the rope is being put around his neck - we cannot see Tom in the darkness, but can see the rope’s movement from the luminous tabs on the handles.
I then tell Tom to keep still - “That’s the plan.” says Tom jokingly [laughter].
Seconds later James tells us that he too has been pulled over the table
(by his shoulder), and that the rope has been put around his neck also.
We can now see the rope handles dancing in the air above Tom and
James’ heads, then the handles start to spin round very fast just above
them (the rope still round their necks). “Luke, behave yourself.” say I
as the rope handle taps James [laughter].
“It’s alright, it didn’t hurt.” says James. “Don’t say that, he’ll do it again.” says Kath jokingly [laughter]. Moments later Luke communicates “Another.” through the table. “Another rope?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke.
“It’s alright, it didn’t hurt.” says James. “Don’t say that, he’ll do it again.” says Kath jokingly [laughter]. Moments later Luke communicates “Another.” through the table. “Another rope?” I ask. “Yes.” says Luke.
I bring in another rope and place it on the table, where it is
immediately picked up and unravelled by Luke - “This one is not plastic
(like the new one), it has wooden handles.” says Ross. Tom and James
are now back in their seats without the rope adorning them. Luke picks
up the new rope and along with the wooden handled one he begins to spin
them both in the air above us.
Moments later the circle table is
turned upside-down by Luke, and we now have the rope handles dancing
between the legs of the upturned table. Vincent then says “Oops, he
(Luke) is pushing my knee, tapping my chest, now he’s pulling my ear.”
[laughter] “Someone’s tapping my hand, thank you.” says Steve. [this
was audible to all] The rope handles are dancing between the table legs
again, then they are in the centre of the circle where the table was,
spinning round in circles. Helen tells us that the ropes are tied to
the table, even though they are about a foot away dancing on the floor.
We are allowed to put on the red light to have a look, and find the
table legs all tied up with the skipping ropes. Tom takes a red light
photo of the knotted ropes - the table is dancing around as he does so.
As the light goes off the table returns to the centre of the circle.
“Bye.” says Luke. “Bye Luke, God Bless.” say sitters as Luke leaves us.
“Hiya Lucy, are you alright baby?” asks Kath as Lucy comes to the
table - “Yes.” says Lucy through the table. “Anything Luke can do, you
can do better.” says Helen. “Yes.” says Lucy. “And you’re also going
to ask if you can visit Keri’s circle aren’t you?” asks Kath. “Yes.”
says Lucy. [laughter] “You can certainly visit Lucy, you’d be very
welcome.” says Steve. “Be careful what you wish for.” says Kath to
Steve jokingly. [laughter]
“Small trumpet, drum, tambourine.”
says Lucy through the table. The light is on and the table is rocking -
“Do you want the drumsticks Lucy?” I ask. “No.” says Lucy through the
table. The tambourine is put on the table first, and the table is
rocking with the tambourine shaking whilst the drum and trumpet are
placed next to it.
As the light goes off the tambourine lifts up off the table and is taken over to James where it is placed on his arm by Lucy. The tambourine is seen (luminous tabs) to spin and shake on James’ arm whilst Lucy taps the drum with the trumpet, then we hear her tap the drum with her hands.
As the light goes off the tambourine lifts up off the table and is taken over to James where it is placed on his arm by Lucy. The tambourine is seen (luminous tabs) to spin and shake on James’ arm whilst Lucy taps the drum with the trumpet, then we hear her tap the drum with her hands.
Seconds later the drum is up in the
air spinning round; at the same time the tambourine is spinning on
James’ arm. “Play a tune then.” says Kath as Lucy bangs on the drum
wildly. Lucy then lifts the trumpet up into the air and we hear a
female voice say “Hello, good to see you.” down it. Seconds later the
drum is being pounded again as it is being spun around in the air above
Helen and Kath. Moments later Lucy drops the drum to the floor and
immediately starts to shake the tambourine again on James’ arm, before
taking it off him.
The trumpet pounds on the table for a few seconds before it is seen
to move across the circle to Helen - it taps Helen on the head then
moves over to James, then to Ross, then to me, and then over to Doris.
“Hello.” says Doris as the trumpet then moves over to Steve. “Hello,
oh, she’s touching my forearm, now playing with my wrists, now little
fingers going up and down my forearm. Bless you, thank you.” says
“Someone’s touching my fingers.” says Teresa. “Mine too.”
says James. The table then moves across the floor towards me (Terry),
and the ropes then begin to dance around the circle table legs. Seconds
later the trumpet is over the table, then tapping the side of the
table; from here it goes to James and taps him on the head, then goes
over and taps Tom on the head, then back and forth between the two of
them tapping each head in turn.
Moments later the table is moved
to one side and the skipping rope is up in the air and spinning ever so
fast in front of Vincent. The rope, still spinning, moves back towards
the table; so close to the table, but not actually hitting it in the
darkness. We mention this, and at the same time, Lucy taps the edge of
the table with the rope handle - “She (Lucy) is showing you that she can
hit it if she wants to.” says Kath. [Lucy was showing us that she can
see exactly where the rope and table are in the darkness]
It is hard to imagine exactly what Spirit do see, but it is obvious that they are not in the dark as we are.
Lucy then communicates through the table “Ba…” “Is that balloons?” I
ask. “Yes.” says Lucy. “Both of them?” I ask. “Yes.” says Lucy
(still communicating through the table). The balloons (large punch
balloons) are brought in and placed on the table, and straight away we
hear hands rubbing on them - we see the occasional flicker of light from
inside the balloons as they are being rubbed.
The table is then picked up and turned upside-down, then placed back on the floor legs facing up. We then hear the elastic band on the balloon being manipulated, and seconds later the rope is up and dancing on the upturned legs. The table is then moved across the floor slightly and the balloon is put where the table was, then the table lifts up and is placed onto the balloon (all done by Lucy), but the table falls off the balloon.
Lucy tries again, but again it falls off, then Lucy says “I’ve tied balloon to table leg.” through the table. “So won’t it (the balloon) fit underneath?” asks Kath. “No.” says Lucy. [laughter] “Well that’ll teach you, untie it.” says Kath jokingly [laughter].
Seconds later we hear Lucy messing with the balloon, when this stops Kath says “Have you done it (untied the balloon)?” “Yes.” says Lucy. Lucy then turns the table the right way up and lifts it up and straddles the balloon with it; the table is now bouncing on top of the balloon (like a child would with a space hopper).
We ask for the red light so we may look at this; the light is put on and we all see the table bouncing up and down on top of the balloon. We are allowed to take photos and the table continues to bounce on the balloon whilst we do this. [lots of laughter]
The table is then picked up and turned upside-down, then placed back on the floor legs facing up. We then hear the elastic band on the balloon being manipulated, and seconds later the rope is up and dancing on the upturned legs. The table is then moved across the floor slightly and the balloon is put where the table was, then the table lifts up and is placed onto the balloon (all done by Lucy), but the table falls off the balloon.
Lucy tries again, but again it falls off, then Lucy says “I’ve tied balloon to table leg.” through the table. “So won’t it (the balloon) fit underneath?” asks Kath. “No.” says Lucy. [laughter] “Well that’ll teach you, untie it.” says Kath jokingly [laughter].
Seconds later we hear Lucy messing with the balloon, when this stops Kath says “Have you done it (untied the balloon)?” “Yes.” says Lucy. Lucy then turns the table the right way up and lifts it up and straddles the balloon with it; the table is now bouncing on top of the balloon (like a child would with a space hopper).
We ask for the red light so we may look at this; the light is put on and we all see the table bouncing up and down on top of the balloon. We are allowed to take photos and the table continues to bounce on the balloon whilst we do this. [lots of laughter]
As soon as the light is put off again the table lifts off the balloon
and moves across to Vincent - “Where’s it going now?” asks Kath.
Vincent then says “I’m inside the table now.” Vincent then tells us
that he is being pulled forward inside the table - “Thank you Lucy.”
says Vincent. Kath, who is seated next to Vincent, then asks me
(Terry) to lean over and touch the table as it is vibrating whilst it is
around Vincent (an unusual occurrence). I lean over and touch the
table which is vibrating quite rapidly, the light is put on again and we
are allowed to take a photo of Vincent inside the table. As the light
goes off again Lucy says “I like cuddles off Vincent, he nice.”
[laughter] “Thank you Lucy.” says Vincent.
A few moments later we all hear ‘Kisses’ being blown - “Is that Kisses in the air (no trumpet)?” I ask. “Yes.” say other sitters. “Brilliant” says Helen. Vincent now tells us that Lucy is touching his hand - “Oh, now she has given me a kiss on my hand.” says Vincent [audible to all sitters]. “Fantastic!” says Helen. Lucy then communicates through the table “Keyboard, baby git (baby guitar - Ukulele).” says Lucy.
Tom puts on the light and I bring in the keyboard and ukulele and place them on the rocking table - as the light goes off again we see the ukulele rise up above the table (luminous tab on its base), and we hear Lucy begin to strum on it. I then tell Lucy that she has managed to get a better tune out of it than I did [laughter].
“That’s fantastic!” says Vincent as Lucy continues to strum.
Lucy now puts the ukulele down on the table and we hear the keyboard start to play - not sure if this was intentional, but the first tune that Lucy played was ‘Oh Susanna’ which had ‘with a banjo on my knee’ in the lyrics - [laughter], and we all sang along to the tune.
Lucy then played several in-built tunes on the keyboard - ‘Twinkle Twinkle’, ‘London Bridge’, ‘Oh Susanna’ again, then Lucy began to play the drum feature on the keyboard - totally her own work! Then Lucy went through the scales on the keyboard, and then she played ‘Oh Susanna’ for a third time before finishing with ‘Old Macdonald had a farm’. “You know your neighbours must think you are crackers.” says Helen to Kath and myself (what with all the noise and singing).” “Why do you think we never leave the house.” say I jokingly [laughter].
“Bye.” says Lucy through the table. “God Bless you Lucy, bye.” say sitters as Lucy leaves us.
The keyboard and ukulele are removed from the table, and our next communicator comes forward and gives the name ‘Freddie’ (Doris’s husband in Spirit). “Good evening Freddie.” say sitters. Freddie asks for the paper and pencil to placed on the table. The light is put on and the pencil and A4 paper are put on the table, and as soon as the light is put off again we see the pencil lift up (luminous tab on its stem) and begin to write on the paper. After about forty seconds the pencil is placed flat on the paper by Freddie - “Is that it Freddie?” I ask. “Yes.” says Freddie through the table.
We put on the light to see what Freddie has written for Doris - these were his words: “My beloved, do not be worried, I will protect you, I love you very much xxx.” [Doris is due to go to Austria next week for major surgery]
“Thank you.” says Doris. “Fantastic!” says Vincent. “How nice to be still getting Love letters Doris.” says Helen.
“Bye.” says Freddie. “Bye bye darling, thank you very much.” says Doris. “God Bless.” say sitters as Freddie leaves the circle.
As Red Cloud comes back to the table Kath thanks him for allowing us to keep the fan going during the sitting - “We would have melted otherwise.” says Kath jokingly. “Yes, it was like a sweat shop tonight.” says Doris.
We were allowed to ask questions (this is reliant on any energy left for Red Cloud to answer), and several sitters had questions for Red Cloud - Helen asked a personal question which was answered. James asked “Would my brother bring much energy to the circle?” to which Red Cloud replied ‘yes’. Keri gave thanks for the sitting and asked if Red Cloud was helping and watching over them, to which Red Cloud replied ‘yes’.
Steve asked a question which required too long an answer through the table, this was dealt with via the pendulum after the circle.
We all thanked Red Cloud for a wonderful evening and then the circle was closed with a Prayer of Thanks by Doris.
Duration of sitting: One hour and eight minutes.
Below are various photographs taken during the sitting - some with normal flash camera, and some with red light and digi-cam:
A few moments later we all hear ‘Kisses’ being blown - “Is that Kisses in the air (no trumpet)?” I ask. “Yes.” say other sitters. “Brilliant” says Helen. Vincent now tells us that Lucy is touching his hand - “Oh, now she has given me a kiss on my hand.” says Vincent [audible to all sitters]. “Fantastic!” says Helen. Lucy then communicates through the table “Keyboard, baby git (baby guitar - Ukulele).” says Lucy.
Tom puts on the light and I bring in the keyboard and ukulele and place them on the rocking table - as the light goes off again we see the ukulele rise up above the table (luminous tab on its base), and we hear Lucy begin to strum on it. I then tell Lucy that she has managed to get a better tune out of it than I did [laughter].
“That’s fantastic!” says Vincent as Lucy continues to strum.
Lucy now puts the ukulele down on the table and we hear the keyboard start to play - not sure if this was intentional, but the first tune that Lucy played was ‘Oh Susanna’ which had ‘with a banjo on my knee’ in the lyrics - [laughter], and we all sang along to the tune.
Lucy then played several in-built tunes on the keyboard - ‘Twinkle Twinkle’, ‘London Bridge’, ‘Oh Susanna’ again, then Lucy began to play the drum feature on the keyboard - totally her own work! Then Lucy went through the scales on the keyboard, and then she played ‘Oh Susanna’ for a third time before finishing with ‘Old Macdonald had a farm’. “You know your neighbours must think you are crackers.” says Helen to Kath and myself (what with all the noise and singing).” “Why do you think we never leave the house.” say I jokingly [laughter].
“Bye.” says Lucy through the table. “God Bless you Lucy, bye.” say sitters as Lucy leaves us.
The keyboard and ukulele are removed from the table, and our next communicator comes forward and gives the name ‘Freddie’ (Doris’s husband in Spirit). “Good evening Freddie.” say sitters. Freddie asks for the paper and pencil to placed on the table. The light is put on and the pencil and A4 paper are put on the table, and as soon as the light is put off again we see the pencil lift up (luminous tab on its stem) and begin to write on the paper. After about forty seconds the pencil is placed flat on the paper by Freddie - “Is that it Freddie?” I ask. “Yes.” says Freddie through the table.
We put on the light to see what Freddie has written for Doris - these were his words: “My beloved, do not be worried, I will protect you, I love you very much xxx.” [Doris is due to go to Austria next week for major surgery]
“Thank you.” says Doris. “Fantastic!” says Vincent. “How nice to be still getting Love letters Doris.” says Helen.
“Bye.” says Freddie. “Bye bye darling, thank you very much.” says Doris. “God Bless.” say sitters as Freddie leaves the circle.
As Red Cloud comes back to the table Kath thanks him for allowing us to keep the fan going during the sitting - “We would have melted otherwise.” says Kath jokingly. “Yes, it was like a sweat shop tonight.” says Doris.
We were allowed to ask questions (this is reliant on any energy left for Red Cloud to answer), and several sitters had questions for Red Cloud - Helen asked a personal question which was answered. James asked “Would my brother bring much energy to the circle?” to which Red Cloud replied ‘yes’. Keri gave thanks for the sitting and asked if Red Cloud was helping and watching over them, to which Red Cloud replied ‘yes’.
Steve asked a question which required too long an answer through the table, this was dealt with via the pendulum after the circle.
We all thanked Red Cloud for a wonderful evening and then the circle was closed with a Prayer of Thanks by Doris.
Duration of sitting: One hour and eight minutes.
Below are various photographs taken during the sitting - some with normal flash camera, and some with red light and digi-cam:
sitter Steve Willoughby has his hand placed
inside the trumpet by Dick
(Kath's Father in Spirit).
Tom takes red light photo in background.
Guest sitter Keri Barsby has her hand put inside the trumpet
by Dick, and then has her arm pulled across the table.
Tom takes a red light photo of the trumpet over Keri's
arm - Keri can feel Dick's grip on the trumpet.
is now nearly on tip-toe as Dick pulls her up
towards the ceiling -
Keri could still feel Dick's
grip on the trumpet with the red light on.
Dick does his 'two table horizontal' movement whilst
sitters hands are on tables for energy purposes.
Dick puts the spare table on top of the circle table
and then rocks it quite rapidly on the the circle table-top.
Hands now on the spare table-top as
Dick continues to rock it.
Picture of orb on Tom's shirt.
Blown-up orb on Tom's shirt.
Spirit child Lucy uses the balloon as a
'space hopper' for the table.
The table is still bouncing on top of the balloon.
Lucy puts Vincent inside the table and then
pulls him forward towards centre of circle.
Red Light photo of energy surrounding table leg.
Red light photo of energy from trumpet.
Red light photo of what we assume are
ropes on upturned table.
Red light photo of energy worm on upturned table.
Red light photo of the table over Vincent's head.
Red light photo of energy waves over Vincent
whilst he is inside the table.
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