The Rainbow Home Circle - Wednesday 18th June 2014.

Many thanks to Mike Ganley (Rainbow Circle member) for his transcription of this evening's events.


Kath Nelson.
Terry Nelson.
Teresa Tuohy.
Tom Nelson.
Helen Henderson.
Ross Henderson.
Dennis Pearman (Zerdin Phenomenal).
Mike Ganley.

Dennis opened up the circle in prayer and the table immediately sprang into life. Our hands went onto the table and Red Cloud introduced himself. The table went over to greet Dennis and the communication ‘Welcome’ came through followed by ‘Glad you could make it; sorry my lady not here’ (referring to Dennis’ wife).

He communicated further ‘Ross thinks deep; he will come up with a solution’. Terry confirmed that this message was for Ross (Henderson) and though Ross was not able to take the message immediately Helen asked if it referred to what they spoke about earlier and the table confirmed this.

Red Cloud asked for the Shamanic drum. The drum was placed on the table and it began to play and levitate straight away. It turned on its side and then went out of the circle completely and placed on the floor where it continued to play. It soon rose again and came back to the table. It rested on Helen’s arm and continued to play. Sitters noticed the thick atmosphere in the room. My arm was touched by a hand then by the beater. The rhythm continued until Red Cloud’s usual flurry indicating he had finished. Kath suggested a photograph is taken of the drum and this was done with some interesting results. Red Cloud departed and the next communicator was Dick.

Dick was greeted by all and the table levitated immediately and remained in mid-air where it continued to communicate, first saying ‘Hello’ before requesting the megaphones.

Terry placed them on the table and they both levitated: one went to the far side of the room where it banged against the wall whilst the other continued to conduct above the table before joining together to produce gyroscopic movements and of course, the intricate light patterns associated with them. They continued to conduct to the music and we all sang/hummed and the expected bang on my head with one of the trumpets (Dick?) followed.

Dennis’ hand was lifted and placed inside the trumpet and he commented on the very firm grip of Dick’s hand. The trumpet rested on Helen’s shoulder then Ross had his hand placed in the other trumpet and the thin end was then placed on my shoulder. Photographs were taken. The ends of the trumpets had been bent together – one inside then other.

Blowing could be heard clearly and Dennis commented on the warm breath. Terry and my arms were then placed inside the trumpet and I could clearly see the arm doing this. A certain amount of light was leaking into the room (It was a very warm humid evening) and the arm was clearly visible. We were pulled across the table and the same happened (the ends bent together).

The trumpet was then pulled off my arm followed by Terry. Hands were felt by Helen and Teresa and both commented on the very strong grip. Teresa’s hand was shaken and the trumpets returned to the table. A further communication requested for additional trumpets (six in total). All six trumpets rose in the air and went to the far side of the room and we were remarkably impressed. One had fallen one the floor and perhaps rather disrespectfully, I asked Dick if the one he dropped should be placed on the table and the answer was a usual (friendly) whack on the back of the head with it! The trumpets conducted to the music (two sets) each moving in perfect symmetry.

Something was happening on the table and it went very quiet in the room. Dennis asked if everything was all right and (Mary?) answered ‘I’m all right!’ More conducting followed then one trumpet alternated by banging on the spare table in the corner of the room with the table in the centre of the circle. With that the spare table sparked into life and came over to the centre of the circle – one on top of the other.

Both tables levitated (firmly ‘glued’ together) and then returned to the floor. Hands were pulled by spirit to the top of the table and when the red light was turned on our hands were joined (mine on top of Ross’) and the table levitated forcing us to stand. Photographs were taken. The top table was then returned to its space in the corner of the room and the bottom table was tilted, then Dick (and Mary) said goodbye.

The next communicator was Ross (Dennis’ son in spirit). The table moved to Dennis who could feel his embrace through the table. Dennis’ hand was picked up and he was clearly moved by this gesture and informed the circle that Ross was clasping his fingers then pulled him over the table and patted his head and pulled his hair gently.

Communication through the table followed: ‘Where’s mum? I miss her when she doesn’t come with you.’ Dennis reassured him that his mum would be there later on in the year. Ross requested paper and pencil. Dennis told his son he loved him. Terry showed the sitters that the paper was blank on both sides. For a few moments all was quiet in the room other than the pencil writing on the paper.
“My beautiful boys (referring to his sons) I love you very much and I am always with you; I was with you on the beach.” (They had just returned from a holiday in Turkey!)
Kath asked if they saw the paper as energy and Ross confirmed this. Dennis asked Ross if there would come a time when he could be with his boys in a physical way and Ross confirmed this before saying goodbye.

The next communicator was Lucy. The table was on Dennis’ lap rocking. Lucy asked for string, plasticine and cutters. While Terry looked for these the table rattled furiously (presumably to generate energy). The objects requested by Lucy were placed on the table. Helen felt string wrapped around her wrist (followed by Dennis, Tom, myself and Kath). Terry’s hand was grabbed and it was obvious that we were all going to be tied together. An arm could be felt between Kath and myself. String was then wrapped around sitters’ necks (Helen, Kath and myself). 

We could then hear the plasticine being patted into some shape and Dennis informed her that she was a clever girl.
Helen added that all girls were clever though Ross then made a comment which suggested something to the contrary which caused much amusement! Kath could see a grey /blue mist rising from the table. The moulds were used to cut the plasticine and then they were levitated. The string was then tightened and Tom was able to free a hand to put the light on.

Some animal shapes (fish and dinosaurs) had been made but several shapes had been cut and placed one on top of another. Dennis had a ring of plasticine wrapped around his finger. Photographs were taken. Terry asked Lucy if she could do a ‘Houdini’ and slowly the string was loosened and taken of everyone’s hands (and necks!) and we all thanked Lucy.
The cutters were tied with string and they were spun in the air making a welcomed breeze in the humid atmosphere. Lucy asked for a pencil. Terry placed it on the table and we heard a tapping noise and when we looked she had written her name in dots (made by the pencil) followed by several kisses.
Lucy then said goodbye. Kath asked if the fish and dinosaur were for Dennis and Lucy confirmed this. He (Dennis) informed her he would give them to Ross’ boys.

The next communicator was Luke. Luke asked for a drum, trumpet and small (baby) guitar. The requested instruments were found and the guitar was played using the drumstick, as a violin would be played. There were further taps on the drum and side of the guitar (which was now being strummed in a conventional manner). Helen’s hair was rubbed and tickled.

The trumpet went up in the air and it sounded as though the mouthpiece was dropped on the floor. Luke then played the trumpet almost perfectly. He played the ‘Last Post’ in a very dramatic and emotional way and all sitters commented on how emotional and apt the piece was – especially for the year 2014 and the anniversary of both WW1 and the Normandy D day Landings. Kath requested a round of applause and all sitters clapped.

Luke then asked for the keyboards. The keyboards were placed on the table. One played ‘Old MacDonald’ and then they both levitated. The other began to play more futuristic music before the other one launched in to ‘Oh Susanna’. After a very short concert Luke said goodbye.

Kath noted a light was showing on the keyboard and that it shouldn’t be there and a photograph was taken. Comments were made about the light in the room generally (window and door) and how this had not affected the quality of phenomena produced at all.
Red Cloud came through and informed us that the energies had been amazing; he then asked us to close the circle allowing no questions (the humidity was by now overwhelming).

Kath closed the circle in prayer after 1 hour and 7 minutes of sitting.

Mike Ganley.


Below are various photographs taken during the sitting - some taken with normal flash camera, and some taken with red light and digi-cam (snapshot feature).

The shamanic drum that Red Cloud plays at the
start of each sitting.

 Dennis and Ross have their hands put
inside the trumpets by Dick - they are
then guided over the table to this
position by Dick.

Red light photo of the trumpet on Dennis's arm.

 Amazingly Spirit tie two trumpets together and
guide Dennis and Ross over Kath's head with them.
This photo was taken in pitch black
conditions with normal flash.

Red light photo of the trumpets over Kath's head,
put there by Dick.

The back of Kath's head with the trumpets
clasping her neck.

 Red light photo of the trumpets over Kath's head.

 The indentation on the trumpet is where Dick
clasped it - on this red light photo of Kath.

Dick does the same thing with Helen - he guides
Dennis and Ross over her head with the trumpets
clasped together.

Amazingly this red light photo of the trumpets over
Helen's head shows a Spirit child's face appearing
in the red light - see next photo.

Spirit child's face clearly visible in red light.

 Red light photo of the trumpet round Helen's neck.
The trumpets still clasped together are guided over
Teresa's shoulder in the dark - light source
is from flash on camera. 

Dick now guides the trumpets over to Dennis in the
darkness - other ends are attached to sitters arms. 

 Red light photo of one of the trumpets on Dennis' chest.

Either Dick or Mary (in Spirit) not sure who, bent
this trumpet around Teresa's wrist, it was just
coming apart as this photo was taken.

 Red light photo of Teresa's hand on the trumpet.

 Sitters hands are placed on the upturned
table legs by Spirit.

All sitters hands were tied together with string
by Spirit child Lucy - then Lucy creates shapes
from plasticine on table.

 Red light photo taken of sitters hands over table.

 This photo was supposed to be of sitters hands over
table with plasticine - what do you see?

Close-up of all hands tied over table by Lucy - Tom
gets one hand free to take this photo.

Two shapes created by Spirit child Lucy
from the plasticine.

Red light photo of plasticine shape created
by Spirit child Lucy.

The keyboards played by Lucy during sitting.

Red light photo of keyboard played by Lucy.

 Lucy asks for the pencil and then creates her name
with three kisses below it by sticking the pencil
in the plasticine.

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